Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

12/01/2002 House Archanis Weekly Report- SW-Rexal Qel

Greetings brother in darkness, this is my first report as QUA of House Archanis. I want to thanks all the members who gave me their support.

House Archanis http://www.minos.net/~archanis


Ok, this is my first report. I'm QUA since a week and I can tell you that the House site is updated . I've added a list of our possessions under the QUA name and changed CV cmdr name ...it was old. I'm happy to announce that AZ is back to Archanis:)))) Welcome back.

We have a MP in project, Az had promised he will host the New Archanis Night Training, so let me know what time do you prefer.

Actually there is a Recruitment Campaign, I will reward the member who will bring to us the most number of people.I've posted it on Tally main website http://www.minos.net/~taldryan/news.php

TCC is open so fly fly fly: http://www22.brinkster.com/grail/acc/default.asp

-=Personal evaluations=-

My personal evaluation after a week as QUA is limited but I can see we have few active members. BTW it's not a new thing for you all. From now I want a massive participation from everybody.


SW Rexal Qel

SW Azazel

I'm waiting a new member soon.


None....and I hope our rate will increase.


ACO Trowa Saris to PRT, congratz


GRD Astarosta > DC

GRD Astarosta > Crescent w/ Sapphire Star (S)


I want your reports on my desk by saturday night or sunday morning. CON Tiger want this from now to a new order.

Join the Channels on mIrc sometimes at least #archanis and #taldryan

Do the competitions I've assigned to you and all the other.

Read and reply to msg boards http://www.ehnet.org/mb/index.php

At the moment we have to rebuild this House and it's my intention to reward all the membere who will be active on this way. I accept suggestions.

Do Shadow Academy courses there are many and they are not so difficult to do.

-=QUA Escort points=-

I'm still waiting the Crimson Vanguard report( I'll add the points on the report online on the DB database...so Trowa MOVE IT!!!!!!!!) I will announce the Sith Champion soon and the Battleteam who will escort me for this month.

Hyperion Total this Month: 782

-=AWOL tracking=-

I have a personal list with all people who may be awoled soon. So I suggest you, and u know who u are, to do something asap.

my best wishes,

SW Rexal Qel (Sith)/QUA/Archanis of Taldryan



FM-FCA/CPT Rexal Qel/Spectre 1-2/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger

PCx3/ISMx2/LoC-PSx47/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [CNTR] {IWATS-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2}

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