Deputy Grand Master Report


Deputy Grand Master Report

Sorry this was delayed - I went christmas shopping and didn't notice the time!

1: Please remember to use the form on my website for competition approval. Also, please make sure that you remember to look at Shadonyx's medal guide before requesting competition medals as the DSC has NOT YET been updated and does not reflect the recent crescent changes.

2: I and my Praetor have been looking at reports this week, including those of Houses. We've found some alarming problems with some, and we'll be looking to improve on those over the next month or so, so that come the New Year we can move into concentrating on other things.

3: The new DB MP Calendar will be ready to go shortly. It will comprise XvT, XWA, JK, JK2, and for the Krath, there may be something in development shortly above and beyond just the KCC (see, we are nice to you) :)

4: The DGM's Christmas Bonanza will be announced tomorrow, hopefully. It will include lots of fun Christmas-type events, and some chances to win Crescents with Diamond Stars, so don't miss it!

5: I've been working on getting the Brotherhood entry and SA Pass mails upgraded this week, and I think we have finally got the entry mail about right. We'll be looking at updating other mails soon; hopefully the updates will give the Brotherhood a much more atmospheric, involving feel to it, and will make you really feel the honour of your promotions, awards, and Shadow Academy passes - as well you should!

6: The DSC should be being updated shortly. Is there anything in there that needs updating? Let us know if you think we may have missed it!

7: Remember, we welcome your feedback and your comments in general. The DGM's door is always open, and so is the GM's, so please feel free to contact us about anything you feel an issue.

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