Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report.



Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr.


Kirletians & Fellow Summits.

Greetings all.....well things are slowly gearing up for the GJW, and with that in mind and staying on that subject i will again remind you of the 'Kirleta Training Schedule' that i devised in the week as i need some lovely feedback from more of you and not just the few of you who read the mails i send out amougnst other things. All this is mainly for your benefit and not mine. Anyway, we'll work on this at a later date as more important things on the agenda.  

Anyway....time to move onto the News......with me ;))

House News.

  1. New Clan wide comp approved! - Our very own Pcon, SBL Darkonian had his comp approved by the DGM, DJM Mairin, which is nice :D Below is a run down of the comp as a whole -

competition name: "Worth it?!"

competition participants: Members of Clan Satal Keto

starting date: 9/12/2002

ending date : 7/01/2003

phase 1 "warm up"

consists of order specific events:

*Krath : Fiction (about the back ground story to the comp that i don't want to reveal now :P)

2 judges scoring the event, highest average wins first place etc.

*obelisk : sp event using a downloaded SP level , goal of this event is to be to complete the level as fast as one can and send a screen shot and his save game in to prove that! first to complete level wins the event , second fastest second place etc.

*Sith : sp event using the following battles:




every member chooses only one of the three battles to fly.

scores are to be converted in percents of current battle HS as on the TC battle board, winner the one with the highest percentage,

second place for second etc.

time for phase 1 : 10 days from 9/12 to 18/12

phase 2 "turn up the heat"

consists of order specific events that are opened to the other houses as well:

*Krath: Run-on (here again it will be based on the comp background story)

open for Sith and Obelisk as well,

will take place on the clan's MB.

each post will be awarded between 1 to 5 points depending on quality. clan member with highest points count wins the event,

second for second highest scorer etc.

*obelisk: mp ladder

open to Krath and Sith

allowed are only 1vs1 games

will use the ladder coded onto the csk site.

winners are the three at the ladder top when the event ends.

*Sith: mp ladder

open to Obelisk and Sith

allowed are only 1vs1 games

will use the ladder coded onto the csk site.

winners are the three at the ladder top when the event ends.

time for phase 2: 10 days from 19/12 to 28/12

phase 3 "cool down"

with the GJW around the corner this will be a cool down phase with three further order specific events that are open for all members

only that it will not go over all of the 10 days, but so that each event will be having 3 days for itself so we can get max participation in


*Krath: Krath Combat using a modified version of the KCC rules (thx to Page for his ideas)

open for Sith and Obelisk as well

will take place on the clan's MB.

ladder style with most wins getting first place second for second etc.

3 day window time to complete the event

*obelisk: FFA Match

open to Krath and Sith

Goal is to be able to setup one gigantic FFA game with 10+ players and a kill limit of 30 kills, where as no one is allowed to kill any one

player more than 3 times, this should stop stronger fighters from picking on the weakest for a fast win

3 day window to set the match up, in case such a big match can not be help due to technical reasons like lag etc, then instead 2 games will be played and the top scoring half of each, bit against each other in one final fight

*Sith: mp massacre (thx to Talon for the idea)

open to Obelisk and Sith

4 team skirmish battle designed by Galthain AED Talon will be used for this event

there will be like 3 squads of fighters and 1 cap ship per team, with two pilots forming a team . the battle would be overseen by a summit member watching the battle without participating

e.g.. in case of 8 participants it would be 2 rounds, starting out with 4 teams, then the two teams with best scores do another battle, the winner of round two is overall winner. runner up second etc.

in case of more people taking part the fight would have more levels of combat or a extra rounds in the same levels.

same here: a 3 day window to get all games done!

time for phase 2: 10 days from 29/12 to 7/01

that would be a total of 9 events, so requesting for each of those the standard 3 crescents for clan level competitions:

Amethyst Star (Cr-1A) First place

Sapphire Star (Cr-1S) Second place

Emerald Star (Cr-1E) Third place

thank you for your time!


More details on the SP mission for the Obelisk will be released all in due course.

  1. Kirleta Training Schedule - As you all got, this was released by me in the week. Now i did get a little bit of feedback, but not enough!!!!!! I need to hear from each of you as to when you are most likely to be able to attend. This is important on the run up to the GJW as i would like to see you guys train and help eachother along to become better players yourselves and also for better teamwork for 2 vs 2 matches etc. Here's a quick re-cap (for those of you who have'nt read it):

Monday - 10 pm GMT (may vary)

Tuesday - 10 pm GMT (may vary)

Wednesday - 10 pm GMT (may vary)

Thursday - 10 pm GMT (may vary)

Friday - 10 pm GMT (may vary)

Saturday - anytime between 9-11 pm GMT. (may vary)

Sunday is a day off. (Definatley decided)

Rules - Standard dueling etiquette will be observed by all members who attend :

NO attacking in Console.

NO abusing other members.

NO cheats.

DO vary your attacks.

If someone is dueling then please wait your turn.

House Dueling Instructors -

DJK Reza

DJH Markr

Now thats all there is to it for now. Where i put (May vary) - those days are 'possible' days for those who cannot attend the main ones, Wednesday & Saturday night. Also with instructors i just assumed that both DJK Reza and DJH Markr would want to do this. Now folks.....please some feedback on this if it is'nt much to ask, put down your possible times and which days are best for you, and don't forget your DB name at the bottom so i know who's mail i am reading.

  1. My Fiction! - Today i sent out my fiction, its probaly gonna end up being a long one.....maybe 4 drafts long!! Might aswell write a novel i hear you say. Well i have already thought of that ;) But i will encourage any of you to also write a fiction (if you want to have a bash at it). As far as i know i am the only one within this house that does write them. But anyway...this is just when you want a little change from the Obbie comps etc. It might be interesting to take a look into how you veiw your DB Character.

Evidently - I keep my fictions true to the DB, so yes those of you who are not the rank DJK do not carry light sabers as your not permitted to do so. Does'nt mean you don't own one because all Jedi are given lightsaber to train with until they are the rank of DJK where they can buil their own. So don't panic! ;)

  1. All DB Reports are looked into (mainly on the House summit level) - On the whole most of the reports were ok, but i would like to take this time to speak about something that you will need to do when you yourself are House Summits. Make sure that as a AED your report is totaly different to the QUA's. In other words try not to include the same news etc. So leave all major House news to the QUA to include into the House report as that is the main focus of the House's communication.

Like i will leave OBM Waza to give out news of any comps he is currently heading. This opens up the avenue for his report to have some focus and a major topic to discuss. Also, as he is heading the comp he has worked on, he would be more up to date than me on the latest developments in ladder leaders (if its that sort of comp). It makes sense. And also, never be worried about jazzing it up a bit to make it look more 'HEY READ ME!'. Find your own style and then if it works for you, stick with it ;)

  1. House Kirleta vs Dorimad Sol vs Auctoritas - As i pretty much expected when i first saw the mail in my mailbox, i thought to myself, 'this will fickle out within a week', and by golly was i right!! Tis a shame to admit it, but thats what you learn when your a Qua, you see mails like this all the time, and when you prompt the House for feedback and don't get it you kinda think, ' Ah.....they don't wanna know, well i can't take on a whole House by myself', maybe thats what happened OW Ric Gravins end. But i did inform him that his clan had offerd out CSK, and how was he gonna get House Auctoritas into this? But i heard nothing more from OW Ric, so thats why there's No house feud.

Also the CSK vs CNS house feud has also gone the same way, but with a different twist. Summits from CNS did'nt want to budge on some rules that were a bit out dated and did'nt really work well in a Clan Feud scenario. But anyway......lets not be down hearted siblings! The GJW is coming ;))

House Activity.


NOV Autoris to ACO.


DJK Reza picked up CF's x3.


DJK Reza completed - Sith Flight Studie II.

PRT Basil completed - Obelisk basic Studies.

PRT Bazookakid completed - Obelisk basic Studies.



Great work for this week guys........how ever, all is not well really as we still got that feedback problem within the house, also i am becoming worried about the Sgt - trooper gap. I need to see you Sgt's contacting members and sorting out training and any problems. Thus far i have'nt seen anything of this sort happening.

Good news is that people are now talkig on the mail group........mostly me and one other person who could talk the arse off a donkey. So could someone else join in and help save my old pinkies from running down? Please?

Oh right then.....this weeks report music was....'Star Wars Cantina' by 'I have forgotten his name!'. Sorry guys, its on a website so just do a search for the mp3, you'll find it ;)

No reports sent to me this week >:P And no humour section for this weeks report as i have'nt had the time to do a really good delve around the net for new stuff and updates. But until then dudes........

Stay focused........stay sharp.........Stay Hungry!


ENV/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility.

SSx3/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx22/COL/CoB/OV-2E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Tie Shadow -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,


LG/HNR Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg.(MoPx4)(MoSc-2) {DGA-Core-PC-PL-FR}

"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est."


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