Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Domis Disciples



Another day looms over the house of Galthain, its warriors have grown tired from a fierce week of fighting. Lord DarkHawk CMDR of Triple D sits in his meditation room, recapping of the week’s events. He is proud of his warriors of their accomplishments. Triple D has risen ten fold from it sleep of past days. He knows the team is growing to be a force to recon with, regardless of WHAT OTHERS SAY.

I want to take a personal time out before I start my report, and say to all of you. I am very proud of the accomplishments that we as a Team have achieved. Activity is on the rise, comps are being one by our members. Yet there is a selected few that stays dormant, to those of you team members GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND HELP THE REST OF YOUR TEAM. I am sick of taking the heat for you and getting my ass chewed and my CMDR skills are being question because some of us are carrying the weight. Well I am tired of those members carrying the weight. So it comes down to this:

MOVE YOUR ASSES OR I WILL!! I am not leaving this team for any reason or anytime soon, I plan on making this team the best within the clan and outside the clan.

House News

Results: House Galthain Readiness Competition:

1st submitter: Cr-1S (Sapphire Star) - ACO Hawker

2nd submitter: Cr-1E (Emerald Star) - DJK Bobxavi

3rd submitter: Cr-1T (Topaz Star) - GRD TK-2107

4th: JH Vessicant

5th: NOV Big Daddy

6th: ACO Rebelkiller

7th: PRT Delak

8th: SBL Ricardo

House Galthain versus House Tridens

FLY 1 (ONE) of the following free missions: (Due late Thursday, December 12, 2002 [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and your CMDR,ME!)

TIE-FREE #20: (High Score: 97.985)

XvT-FREE #06: (High Score: 93,400)

XWA-FREE #08: (High Score: 4,133):

Sith Squadron League - Season 2, Round 1

FLY 1 (ONE) Free mission (Due Sunday, December 8, 2002 – 6:00PM EST [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and your CMDR)

TIE-FREE #149:

I am pleased to see that the majority of you have flown these, remember there are awards to be had, and as of lately Triple D has been taking them. Keep It up!

House Galthain Readiness Competition

FLY 1 (ONE) of the following battles (Due December 7, 2002 – 23:59:59 EST [Log in to view e-mail addresses], [Log in to view e-mail addresses])

TIE-TC #198:

XvT-TC #52:

XWA-DB #3:

You may have time to fly this one, if you get off your duffs!!

Remember the House open challenge is always in effect, challenge someone!

BattleTeam News

I want to stress the IMPORTANCE of THE READINESS COMP AND THE COMP WITH TRIDENS. 100% is mandatory!!

Still looking for applications for XO, if you want the job or interested send me a mail explaining why you are right for the job!

I still have not heard a word on the idea to start a Triple D MP night on the weekends. I want your guys inputs on this as to when we could all meet up and do some MP. It will be a training/comp for Triple D members, and I will send a message out to Delphian members if they would like to join as well. Let me know what you think.

DarkNyte and Hawker doing a awesome job on the Triple D web page. Still want to hear from everyone on inputs and ideas.

Need a banner design for the web page so lets get with it, I should not be the only one designing something, how fair is that to the rest of you if only my ideas are used cause you can send them to me or the team?

Make sure you cc me on all you r submissions to the house for any and all comps. SO that I can keep track of what you have flown and did for the week/month, this is IMPAIRATIVE!!!

There is an open FL spot, if anyone wants the position please contact me telling me why you would be best for the job. I need this ASAP!

Vessicant received a few medals this week two DSS’s and two Crescents, GREAT JOB VESSICANT!

AshMaster received a Crescent this week for finals in Triple D and Delphian EXCELLENT WORK!

Hawker received the Cluster of Fire, Keep kicking ass Hawker

I want to see some fictions from all of you, this is another aspect of our Brethren that has suffered. I want to see your imagination run with some cool fictions, START NOW they are worth points you know

GRAPHS, make some graphs, banners patches, show me what you can do!! I hate being the only one to do this, I do not care if you think you suck, just put something together and send it in, you may surprise yourself!


DJK DarkHawk

Flew Free XwA 8 –Got new high score

Flew DB XwA 3

Busy on MIRC

Doing the MSC III Comp

Design a killer banner for web page

DJK BobXavi

TIE FREE # 169

XvT DB # 1

Busy on mIRC

Flew for readiness comp

Novice Gutt

Flew for Readiness Comp

Busy on IRC

Warrior ZysFryar

Busy on IRC

Flew for SSL

Flew for Readiness Comp

Protector AshMaster

Acolyte Hawker

Busy on IRC

Flew Free Tie 10-18

Flying his ass off

Worked on Triple D history for web page

Guardian Josh Popelka

No Activity

Jedi Hunter Indario Gallia

No contact/No activity

Protector DarkNyte

Busy on IRC

Working on Triple D page


Flight I:

Sith Commander DarkHawk ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Sith Flight Member BobXavi ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Sith Flight Member Gutt ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Sith Flight Member TBA

Flight II:

Sith Flight Leader TBA

Sith Flight Member Zysfryar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Sith Flight Member AshMaster ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Sith Flight Member Hawker ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Flight III:

Sith Flight Leader Vessicant ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Sith Flight Member Josh Popelka ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Sith Flight Member Indaro Gallia ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Sith Flight Member DarkNyte ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

If I left anything or anyone out please reply back and send me the info so I can update report.

Also I cannot stress enough for all of you to compete in the current comps. GET TO THEM!!!!

Embrace the Darkness, for it is your only one true allies

Lord DarkHawk

Dark Jedi Knight/Major

DJK DarkHawk (Sith)/CMDR/Galthain of Satal Keto



([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) - "Winged Warrior"

FM/MAJ Dark Hawk/Falcon 1-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal


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