Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

12/08/2002 House Archanis Weekly Report- SW-Rexal Qel

Greetings brother in darkness, we have many news and comps this week: a feud against CSP and Tarentum is open and many other things are coming soon.

House Archanis http://www.minos.net/~archanis


Well a Clan Feud against Clan Scholae Palatinae and Clan Tarentum is open. We have many ways for paritcipating and I want that all of you do your contribution. For more information, please go to http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/darkjedigames/ the Dark Jedi Games are open.

Actually there is a Recruitment Campaign, I will reward the member who will bring to us the most number of people.I've posted it on Tally main website http://www.minos.net/~taldryan/news.php

TCC is open so fly fly fly: http://www22.brinkster.com/grail/acc/default.asp

I'm sorry to announce that due lack of reports from Trowa Saris I will open soon the position of Crimson Vanguard Commander to apps. I know that many of CV siths are near to be AWOLed and most of you will not apply for the position, so I've decided to open apps to every sith on the DB. these are the requirements for the applications:

At least 6 month in DB;

I prefer Jedi Hunter;

Send me a brief list of your intentions as new commander of Crimson Vanguard.

I have attached on this mail the report requirements if anyone missed it.

-=Personal evaluations=-

My personal evaluation after a week as QUA is limited but I can see we have few active members. BTW it's not a new thing for you all. From now I want a massive participation from everybody.


I'm waiting a new member soon.

PRT Braxus to Hyperion

PRT Devin Taralis to Hyperion


Triji and Drak to Reserves


GRD Astarosta to JH

GRD Iceman to JH

Congratulations to everybody, exellent work


None this week


I want your reports on my desk by saturday night or sunday morning. CON Tiger want this from now to a new order.

Join the Channels on mIrc sometimes at least #archanis and #taldryan

Do the competitions I've assigned to you and all the other.

Read and reply to msg boards http://www.ehnet.org/mb/index.php

At the moment we have to rebuild this House and it's my intention to reward all the membere who will be active on this way. I accept suggestions.

Do Shadow Academy courses there are many and they are not so difficult to do.

-=QUA Escort points=-

Hyperion got QUA ESCORT for the month of november. Congratulations. I'm plased to announce the Sith Champion for the month of November: Congratulations to

JH Astarosta. You will recieve soon a special prize from the QUA . :)

-=AWOL tracking=-

I have a personal list with all people who may be awoled soon. So I suggest you, and u know who u are, to do something asap.

my best wishes,

SW Rexal Qel (Sith)/QUA/Archanis of Taldryan



FM-FCA/CPT Rexal Qel/Spectre 1-2/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger

PCx3/ISMx2/LoC-PSx47/CoL/CoB/OV-2E [CNTR] {IWATS-ICQ-M/1/2-RT-SM/2}

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