Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Thats right, REPORT TIME!


-Clan Feud still going on! Things are slowing down a bit cause of the holiday season, but I still want to see people involved, especially those of you who havent participated yet, lets show these other clans and the DB how good we really are.

-I will be heading home for the holidays from college on 12/20. I will still be able to access the internet and IRC, but my ability to play JK2 will be hampered because of my connection at home. I will be back and forth a couple times during the break though. You can still contact me and I will respond.


As stated in the news section, the Clan Feud is in full effect! Head on over to:

and do your part!

The usual:

-Saturday's 2:00pm EST

OHC's Rampage

-Saturday's 3:00pm EST

OHC's Cup

-Sunday's 7:00pm EST

DB Fight Club

-Monday's 3:00pm-5:00pm EST

Obelisk Arena

-Wednesday 6pm-9pm EST

Obelisk Vengeance

-Friday 7pm-9pm EST

Obelisk Crusades

All are in #Obelisk on IRC.


None this week.


Got a couple I'm looking at, more on this.


Ahh, my favorite section!







Keep up the good work you guys!


Good participation so far in the feud. I'd like to see more of the unknowns (you guys know who you are!) doing stuff though. Even if its joining IRC and hanging out in #dinaari, it shows you're doing something and would like to reap the benefits of your membership. Talking to the rest of the guys in Dinaari is definately a humorous experience. Keep earnin those CFs, its the easiest way for promotion, especially if I see your name in my inbox every week ;) Have fun and Merry Christmas!

GRD freshjive (Obelisk)/M:HM-AED/Dinaari of Taldryan

medals and stuff here...

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