Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>

As ususal during the holidays a pretty quiet week with not much going on. Thus a boring report with not much in it. After the new year it will pick up again with some Sith and Clan comps and even a little squadron comp. Until than I don't expect much from you guys, so relax and enjoy the holidays.

Fred and Myself would like to wish you all a Happy New Year!

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>

  • Sith Squadron League

  • Awards and Promotions

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>S..T..U..F..F</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - Sith Squadron League

We Lost.....bad. Let's just try to pretend Season 2 never took place. :P

#002 - Awards and Promotions

Lets Start with Medals:


And now Promotions:


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>STANDING ORDERS</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - HLK Monthly Flying Contest

#002 - DGM Christmas Bonanza

#003 - Information and other various tasks can be found in the operations section on the squadron website.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>THE USUAL SUPSECTS</td> </tr> </table>


Holiday Alcohol Abuse.

FM/GRD Talon Karrde/Sapphire 1-2

IRC Activity.

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-3

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-4

FL/SW Carl Lost/Sapphire 2-1

Email activity.

FM/ACO Uther/Sapphire 2-2

Completed SA DB Leadership studies course.

Submitted Figgypudding recipe for DGM Christmas Bonanza.

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-3

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-4

FL/SW Janos Silverwulf/Sapphire 3-1

IRC Activity.

FM/ACO Ksian Qui-Soran/Sapphire 3-2

On Leave; Dec 27th to Jan 10th.

FM/PRT Saber/Sapphire 3-3

No Activity.

FM/Open Position/Sapphire 3-4

_NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do a damn thing...It just means I just didn't see you do a damn thing :P

Also, if you don't tell me about it I can't report it._

That is all!

SBM Bob(Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

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