Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


Well it's been 4 weeks and this will be my first official report to the Battle team. I have to say having sat back and watched the squadron operate for the last four weeks I am very proud of a few of you. I get a lot of activity from a couple good pilots and your activity will be awarded.   

I'd like to hear from my 2 flight leaders Warrior Slyth and JH Zzythnu We need to get things rolling in the Squadron. Membership is down in the Battle team and I'd like to replenish some of our craft with pilots. I would also like to see some flying activity. I don't require reports from my FLs but I do expect a lead by example attitude and that means participation in House and Order comps.   

I'm also looking to create a Weekly report Banner. If there are any graphics people out there I would appreciate any submissions you can create for me. This is not a squadron banner I plan to keep the one above as the official squadron banner. thanks in advanced for all your help.  


 JH Snij has completed his training and created his personal lightsaber. Congratulations on your elevation to Dark Jedi Knight. Dolza wonders what SBM Gidda was thinking! Also you did a good job on turning in those timely reports the last two weeks thanks.  

We tore up the House comp. Good job to all those who paricipated. I'm looking to get some craft a little better than the cheap Tie Interceptors we currently have so lets see some good activity in the comps so we can get more industrial points.  

SW Artys received 3 Sapphire Stars for dominating the house comp good job keep up the outstanding job,  


SW Artys has continued to turn in a number of plt files good job  

DJK Snij also berraged my inbox with pilot files this week. Thanks for the flying.  

I also submitted a couple pilot files this week. Yay me.  


Fly the House comp. xwafree-17, xvtfree-23,and Tiefree-188. Submit you entries to me, Kane reese, and Aeishline.  

Fly in the Sith Feud. we can get some big time Industial points as well as a flight of Tie Defenders if we are active enough. So go to it.   

Submit activity of any kind.  

Well thats all for this week. Lets keep up the good work and continue to dominate in all the comps we participate.

Respectfully Submitted:

SW Dolza (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae



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