Consul Report


Consul Report


SBL Jeff Loruss Reporting in for Clan Taldryan

Report # 35






5>SA Test Results-

6>Scavenger Hunt-

7>CONSUL’s Thoughts


REPORT LINKS- You guys need to post these on please J

PCON- One day late due to coming back from leave.

Archanis QUA-

Archanis AED- attached TXT file- Please also upload your reports to the DB.

Dinaari QUA-No report this week and I am not sure if he is on leave or not. Swiper please mail me ASAP.

Dinaari AED-

Ektrosis QUA-Has returned from leave is getting caught up.

Ektrosis AED-Sent last report one day late. This week’s report attached.

TCC is running and I have gotten little to no submissions for SP. So lets get to flying folks :P

This is the link to the Feud GO DO Something.

The GM has requested a list of accomplishments from Clan Taldryan that have to do with the last year. So if you wish to have your input on this report. Please send your thoughts into your QUA. QUA’s once Saturday Rolls around please send me all that you have including your personal stuff on the house itself. I will add all that with mine and will then send that all off to the GM.

<2-Joins/ Parts /AWOL‘s>

The following Email change request has been approved:

Requesting Member: DJK Incandescence (Obelisk)

Email changed to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Destavol Gin (Obelisk), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: House Dinaari

Transfering To: Rogue

ACO Mayk Wolverine (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Rogue

Transfering To: House Archanis

DJK Incandescence (Obelisk), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: Battle Team Dark Fire Brigade

Transfering To: House Galeres

The following order change request has been approved:

Requesting Member: JH Blade (Krath)

Order changed to: Sith

JH Blade (Sith), your transfer request has been approved.

Transfer request details:

Transfering From: House Archanis

Transfering To: Rogue


Recommendation for: John Xavier (Sith)

Old Rank: Novice (NOV)

New Rank: Acolyte (ACO)


Cluster of Fire-

List of winners by week since starting-

NOV Phr00t-1

DJK Destoval Gin-1

GRD Acidic-1

ACO Shaithis-5

DJK Incandescence-1

DJK Mordin Malchia-1

Weekly awards-

DJK Mordin Malchia (Obelisk)-21 I think this is the most I have ever seen in one week!!!! AWESOME!!!

OBM Shadow (Obelisk)-5

DJK Incandescence (Obelisk)-1

PRT Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon (Obelisk)-3

This weeks winner hands down is Mordin Malchia CONGRATS !!!!

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)

Requested for: DJK Mordin Malchia (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Amethyst Star (A)

Requested for: PRT Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)

Requested for: DJK Mordin Malchia (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: DJK Mordin Malchia (Obelisk)

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: PRT Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon (Obelisk)

<5-SA Test Results>

Mordin Malchia (Obelisk)--

Congratulations! You have now passed the DB Leadership Studies course!

6-Scavenger Hunt- I am now going to clear all the winners that have won a medal from this comp as the list is starting to get long J

Hunt #4- DJK Kermee

Hunt #8-Kevin Pryde

Hunt #9-GRD Angelus

Hunt #12-DJK INcandescence

Hunt #13-DJK Incandescence

Hunt #15- Coranel Both

Hunt #16-Coranel Both

Hunt #17-Coranel Both

Hunt #18-Coranel Both

Yes Coranel Both is this week’s winner for the Scavenger hunt. He also that I noticed won a medal so I will take care of that this week. CNOGRATS!!

Hunt #19-Somewhere in the DB someone high up in the ranks has these words on his/her GoA please tell me who it is and give me the URL to their Profile.

Si Vis Pacem

Para Bellum

Remember his/her name and URL to their profile.

<7-CONSUL‘s Thoughts>

Command staff get the Leadership Course done.

Keep up the awesome work on the Feud!!

Keep up the awesome work!!!!

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