Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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<table width="401" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0"> <tr> <td width="397" align="CENTER"></td> </tr>

<tr> <td width="397"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" border="0"> <tr>

    <td width="250" class="header1">Weekly Aedile Report #26</td>

    <td width="150" class="date">January 4th, 2003</td>

</tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="397"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="397" class="header2">[ Introduction ]</td> </tr> <tr>

  <td width="397" class="text">I have returned from my leave of absence. I 
    hope that you all had a nice Christmas and New Year as I did.  

    A new year is here. Time to look at the coming year and think of what 
    we shall do. Anyway, nice to be back!  

</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="397" class="header2">[ News ]</td> </tr> <tr>

  <td width="397" class="text">JH Arcturus Xyler was selected as KAP Khaen's 
    replacement as Tetrarch of Drynwyn's Flame. Congraulations!  

    During my absence, KP Titus transferred to House Dorimad Sol to become 
    an Obbie and ACO Adian to the Rogue:s.  



<tr> <td width="397" class="header2">[ Competitions ]</td> </tr> <tr>

  <td width="397" class="text"> 

      - **Clan Feud:** Take a look at []( 
        for more info. 
  • Master-Student Championships III: Continueing.

  • Krath Combat Center: Go to, and sign up to fight. More details are found on the site.

    </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="397" class="text">Signed</td> </tr> <tr>

<td width="397" class="signature2">Krath Priest Loor, Aedile of House Acclivis Draco

KP Loor (Krath)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae


{SE-WG}/DC/Cr-2A-1S] {SA: CORE-CH-K:CORE-K:GS-S:ISET-S:ESET}</td> </tr> </table>

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