Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Greetings all,

This week most of the important news if not all revolve around aleema, good ones and sad ones too :(

First off double congratulations to KP Page, both on being elevated to aleema QUA and on his well deserved promotion.

also congratulations to Kaiann being once more on the house summit this time serving as AED for the house.

i'm quite sure the two of you will do a great job!

Now the sad news, Page will be effective immediately on an emergency LoA, his father has become very sick and Page will be back at home for the coming time. our thoughts with you and your family!

The recruiting drive has either stuck somewhere, or didn't start to move in the first place, till this second there is 0 recruited newbies that i'm aware of....

If you have recruited someone pls inform me that you did.. not that i have seen newbies coming in anyway, but still..

The "Worth it ?!" clan competition is still running, and will officially end on the day the GJW starts. (this means the dead-line is extended till then )

for phase 3 i need the following info from every one of you (pls mail me separately):

  1. a list of every one with jk2 who is willing to participate in a mega size FFA, and times they would be able to be online,

same goes for jk1, if we get enough players a separate jk1 FFA will be held.

  1. every one with XWA who is interested in a mp team fight, and again times of availability

  2. every one who is interested in a krath combat chamber style league (if you have no idea what this is then check here )

pls email me with times of availability, difference here is that the complete fight will be held in 1 session!

Come to think of it here is more sad news.. SW Talon Jade resigns his position as Galthain AED due to real life commitments, and will be back once he has been through his training. I would like to say thank you for the time and effort you put in Galthain and that i look forward to welcome you back soon! take care!

Earlier this week i have informed you about the project of turning clan HQ's and such into real jk2 maps. response was 0.

for more details please go back to my original mail. thx

I have also changed the looks of this a bit.. not that any one would notice anyway... but should it happen that you noticed..what you think?

Members : 57



KMT December Fiction:

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)

Requested for: DJK Dalthid (Krath)

KMT December Poem

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Ruby Star (R)

Requested for: DJK Dalthid (Krath)

MP Medals:

Obelisk Vengence:

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: DJK Selket Isis Entar (Krath) x2

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: JH silent (Krath) x2

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: SW Mell Kerrigan (Sith)

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: GRD Draco Caanis (Sith)

Obelisk Arena Comp:

Medal Requested: Cluster of Fire (CF)

Requested for: OWL Rizlib (Obelisk)



"Kuranty" Competition:

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)

Requested for: JH silent (Krath)

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Topaz Star (T)

Requested for: KE Kaiann (Krath)

"New Years Week" Competition:

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)

Requested for: JH silent (Krath)

Caption Competition" for Angels Of Death Phyle:

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Emerald Star (E)

Requested for: KE Kaiann (Krath)

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Topaz Star (T)

Requested for: JH silent (Krath)

Medal Requested: Crescent w/ Quartz Star (Q)

Requested for: KP Maradis Jenkar (Krath)



Merit Medals:

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: JH silent (Krath)

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: GRD Delak (Sith)

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: PRT AshMaster (Sith)

Medal Requested: Dark Cross (DC)

Requested for: SBL Ricardo (Sith)

Medal Requested: Steel Cross (SC)

Requested for: SW Talon Jade (Sith)

Reason given for request:

Sith Warrior Talon Jade has gone from a FM to my right hand man as Aedile

from October 02, 2002 to this day. He has encouraged competition,

recruited, and done much in the way of motivation and leadership for this

house. He has unceasingly discussed the maintenance and administration of

this house pointing out where my judgment is flawed and always serving to

fill in places where Galthain has lacked. Specifically, he has added a

helpful revision to the "Open Challenge," helped administrate the first

Round Robin comp and started the second Round Robin competitions (with

three interesting phases), conceived an "intra-house" competition among

the Sith, Krath, and Obelisk orders in a clan, pilot of the week title,

apprentice system, and most of all, Talon Jade was a big advocate of a

sense of pride in one's House. Without it, there is no sense of identity -

no sense that anything you're doing is for anything. With Pride, one

realized that there is more than just a pilot file. It is a House, a

brotherhood, a family. It is very rare to find such a long standing

officer like Talon that is still motivated and energetic. With his

inspiration and aboveboard command ability, I am able to say that Talon

Jade has been more than just a "secondary" leader of this House. Warrior

Jade has acted as an equal and as a second Quaestor of House Galthain of

Satal Keto. For this, managing the house while I was gone, and acting as

my personal command assistant as Aedile, Warrior Talon Jade more than

deserves the Steel Cross. - SBL Pyralis

EH Anniversary Awards:

Medal Requested: EH Commendation of Loyalty (CoL)

Requested for: KP Maradis Jenkar (Krath)

Medal Requested: EH Commendation of Loyalty (CoL)

Requested for: SBL Pyralis (Sith)

Medal Requested: EH Commendation of Loyalty (CoL)

Requested for: JH Markr (Obelisk)

Other Medals:

Medal Requested: Legion of the Scholar (LS)

Requested for: KE Kaiann (Krath)

Medal Requested: Legion of the Scholar (LS)

Requested for: GRD Big Daddy (Sith)

Not bad at all! even with out the CoL's and with Reza out cold due to pc probs we got 22 medals awarded this week, most notably the one Talon's SC, (that's why you have that nice Recommendation from Pyralis in there! :P), so one more time nice work all and grats on your medals!


Recommendation for: Luke Morin (Sith)

Old Rank: Acolyte (ACO)

New Rank: Protector (PRT)

Recommendation for: Page Meridian (Krath)

Old Rank: Dark Jedi Knight (DJK)

New Rank: Priest (KP)

Two promotions this week, grats to Luke and keep up the Good work, and special grats to Page on achieving his first promo beyond DJK. and it is well deserved too! :)


Warlord Rizlib

House Kirleta of Satal Keto

Warrior Blade Kilraven

House Galthain of Satal Keto

Dark Side Adept Reinthaler

House Galthain of Satal Keto

This week we welcome KP Ziltopia back on the clan roster. Also big welcome back to OWL rizzy.. who happens to like playing JK" alot..only he is not so good..i would say challenge him ! a real easy CoF! :P



Krath Grammar Studies Order Study:


Krath Core Order Study:


Obelisk Core Order Study:


Leadership Studies General Study:

Big Daddy

Grats to Garou and BD... there many more courses to take you know :P


DA Orso (Krath)

Name changed to: Arania Lawakiro

Only one notable change this week, we welcome back DA Arania and say by to her alter-ego Orso.

That's all for this week, and sorry for the late report.


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