Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Edition #049 - January 25th (27th), 2003


Yep, I know it's two days late, but better late than never... By the way, sorry folks, but I got something more urgent to do and couldn't send a warning in time.


It seems that the CMDRs were getting busy here in my absence, so there's no excuse if you don't take part of a comp or two.

Reminding everyone that the DC has released the IWATS tags to be added on the DB ID line, so if you want to have that long ID to cover half the page of your posts on Msg boards, you can submit for IWATS courses or send your TC PIN or whatever persona you have with IWATS courses to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

If you are interested on some extra stuff on your ID line, try the Sith Core test, the DB Leadership test or the Sith Tactics test. Everyone on command positions or desiring one MUST have passed the Leadership course.

<li>Participation points listing</li>

All stuff you do shall come through me for points. If you have submitted something, remind to FWD or CC me...

Also, the points table is on Quaestor's Office, Room 1501 of the Kressh Fortress. The List was recently updated with the info from the last weeks.


There are still a lot of things to do:

Monthly Flying comp: The comp will be maintained this month, but it's out of Janos hands from now as requested. I'll handle personally all submissions and award the best on the end of month as normal, but I plan to discontinue this comp next month.

Monthly Melee comp: This one seems to be in a much worse shape than the MFC, so it's closed.

Diamond vs Sapphire: The two Squads get against themselves again. Some Industrial Points attached. The comp started 25th and ends on friday.The missions to fly:

TIE Free 135 Lightsaber Emancipation

XvT Free 75 Codename: Babewatch

XWA Free 23 Battle of Baraton

Send the files to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

<li>On the Works</li>

From the next month, we'll start some new comp to replace the MFC that will be more Squad-based than now. The overall points for the squads shall be used to achieve some industrial points with the SHW, so we can have better looking squads on custom missions and DB-wide comps.

<li>Awards, Promos and stuff</li>

Well, none.

<li>The Squads</li>


*Diamond Squadron Report#9
25th of January

Welcome to another report.

All my reports will be added on the DB page as well, the URL to the online reports is http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/reportlist.asp?Unit=64&Pos=44.


We have two new comps, read a little later.

Motto and nick comp
I want new nicknames and mottos for Diamond and its flights.

Crescent with Topaz Star (Cr-1G) for the one with most used mottos and nicknames

<font color="#ff0000" size="2">__ </font>

Diamond Flying Comp

size=2>There's 2 days left and so far I've got zero submissions.

The battles to fly are:

TIE TC 193
XvT TC 4

and the medals are:

Crescent with Emerald Star for 1st in each platform
Crescent with Topaz Star for 2nd in each platform
Crescent with Quartz Star for 3rd in each platform

Send the files to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by midnight monday.

Comp id#54

Diamond vs Sapphire

We have a comp against sapphire, we need to prove that we can kick their arses :Þ

We even got it approved for industrial points, they will be awarded by overall activity so I want everyone taking part.

The comp starts today and ends on friday.

The missions to fly:

TIE Free 135 Lightsaber Emancipation
XvT Free 75 Codename: Babewatch
XWA Free 23 Battle of Baraton

and the medals are:

Crescent with Emerald for highest score in each platform
Crescent with Topaz for second highest score

Send the files to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and to Bob at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Comp id#78

Find the Diamond theme song

This is a really simple competition, find the diamond themesong and then write the artist and title in an email to me, the comp ends on friday.

The medals are:

Emerald Star (Cr-1E) for first
Topaz Star (Cr-1T) for second
Quartz Star (Cr-1Q) for third

Send your song title to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and then on next saturday I'll start a poll on the yahoogroup to find the winner.

Comp id#73 Orders
Participate in the comps.
Report in to me every thursday so I can add your activity in my report since that's the new way of doing AWOL checks in HLK.

Promos and medals

<div></div>N/A this week...

Roster and activity

CMDR/SBM Malik (IRC, wrote report)

FM/SW Den Darkhill (IRC)

FM/PRT Jack Stone (IRC, flew XWA TC 32)

FM/DJK Karim Sukkarius (IRC)
FM/GRD Rogue Ronin (transfered out)

FM/SWL Tron Sadow (IRC)

FM/JH Sancho (not a word/2 weeks)


I'm a bit dissapointed with the decrease in activity and I hope I get a lot of submissions for the flying comp tomorrow or later today. And feel free to ask me any questions about the DB you might have.

**SBM Malik (Sith)/CMDR/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow





<table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td></tr></tbody></table>

Another slow week. I know some of you are on leave or going on leave. Hopefully we will be at full force when the Great Jedi War finally begins. Another new competition added this week, so that gives you all three squadron comps with lots of opportunities to get medals. So participate and chances are you will be rewarded with something nice and shiny. <p>Now get flying! <p> <table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td></tr></tbody></table>

  • Diamond vs. Sapphire

    • Who the Hell Are You?
    • Sapphire Training Run
    • Awards and Promotions

<table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>S..T..U..F..F</td></tr></tbody></table> <p> <p>#001 - Diamond vs. Sapphire <p>CMDR Malik of Diamond squadron has challenged us and I have accepted. Let's kick some Diamond Ass! <p>Start Date: 2003-1-24
End Date: 2003-1-31 <p>Awards: 1st place - Crescent w/Emerald Star
2nd place - Crescent w/Topaz Star <p>in each game platform <p>Missions/Levels: <p>TIE FREE #135 - Lightsaber Emancipation
XvT FREE #75 - Codename: Babewatch
XWA FREE #23 - Battle of Baraton
http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=475 <p>Send your pilot files to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and CMDR Malik ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by January 31st. <p> <p>
#002 - Sapphire Training Run* <p>Every month we will have a little training comp in Sapphire. I will name three free missions from each platform and the top three in each will be rewarded. <p>Start Date: 2003-1-1
End Date: 2003-1-31 <p>Awards: 1st place - Crescent w/Emerald Star
2nd place - Crescent w/Topaz Star
3rd place - Crescent w/Quartz Star <p>in each game platform <p>Missions/Levels: <p>TIE FREE #210 - Cause For Alarm
XvT FREE #124 - Protecting Platform Daedalus
XWA FREE #82 - Imperial Glory
http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=873 <p>Send your pilot files to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by January 31st. <p> <p>
#003 - Who the Hell Are You?* <p>The "Who the Hell are You?" Competition <p>One of my first goals when I took the Squadron commander position was to make sure we are always doing something. So since we've had quite a few flying tasks, I thought we would do something a little different. So after a few suggestions I have decided we will have a profile competition. <p>I've been working on mine the last couple of days to give you guys an idea of what you can do. <p>http://www24.brinkster.com/bobsquadron/fett.htm <p>Ideas: Pictures; especially of what your character looks like.
Ship; details on where you got it and its qualities.
DB Career; what you have done so far in the Dark Brotherhood.
Dark Jedi career; anything you have learned in the Dark Side.
The things you can add are endless. <p>Now, how you submit it is entirely up to you. If you have HTML skill you can make it a webpage or you can just send me it in a txt/doc file (and if you have pictures attach them). Or if you have another idea, let me know, I'm real open on this. <p>This competition starts today and will end February 1st. All submissions should be sent to CMDR Bob at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. <p>I will judge the entries and the top 3 will get the following awards: <p>1st place - Crescent w/Emerald Star
2nd place - Crescent w/Topaz Star

3rd place - Crescent w/Quartz Star <p>I would like to see a high turnout for this competition. Good Luck all. <p> <p>#004 - Awards and Promotions <p>Lets Start with Medals: <p>None. <p>And now Promotions: <p>None.

<table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>STANDING ORDERS</td></tr></tbody></table> <p> <p>#001 - Diamond vs. Sapphire <p>#002 - Sapphire Training Run <p>#003 - The "Who the Hell Are You?" Competition <p>#004 - HLK Monthly Flying Contest

<table cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>THE USUAL SUPSECTS</td></tr></tbody></table> <p>CMDR/SBM Bob
Drank some beers.
Performed the Drunken Commander's Dance. <p>FM/GRD Talon Karrde/Sapphire 1-2
No Activity. <p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-3 <p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 1-4 <p>FL/SW Carl Lost/Sapphire 2-1
Email Activity.
Completed TIE FREE #216. <p>FM/PRT Uther/Sapphire 2-2
Submitted profile for squadron competition.
Passed IWATS AIM course.
Passed IWATS VBScript course.

Passed IWTA Multi-Player Flight course.
Passed IWTA Squadron Command course.
Passed IWTA Advanced B-wing course.
Passed IWTA Advanced E-wing course.
Submitted IWATS Linux course.
On leave till Feb. 5th. <p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-3 <p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 2-4 <p>FL/SW Janos Silverwulf/Sapphire 3-1
IRC Activity. <p>FM/ACO Ksian Qui-Soran/Sapphire 3-2
On Leave. <p>FM/PRT Saber/Sapphire 3-3
On Leave. <p>FM/Open Position/Sapphire 3-4 <p>Squadron Mascot/Fred the Seal
Assisted CMDR with alcohol consumption.
Watched Bob perform the Drunken Commander's Dance.

<p>NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do a damn thing...It just means I just didn't see you do a damn thing :P
Also, if you don't tell me about it I can't report it.

That is all! <p>

SBM Bob(Sith)/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

Also, remember to visit the Sith Order page in order to keep in touch with the last issues about squadron administration and points. </p> <li>Closing Notes</li> <p>The report is over, now I'll concentrate back on my Mighty Mug o' Milk if you dont mind...

I still want to hear from ya. If you have any issue, any kind of trouble, a question or simply want to send me to someplace weird, don't hesitate and click [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and say it. I can be sure you'll be heard (or read in this case) and maybe you can do a great favor to you and to me.

Well, enough babbling.

SBM Scithe (Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

(SC-SoA)/(SE-QL)/DC-KC-O-CS/(BNG)(BNAg)/Cr-1S-1D/DSS/CoL {SA: G:LS-S:CORE-S:ISET-S:ESET} </p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>

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