Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Alrighty folks... look out because here comes Purgatory Report #6!!


Kinda slow this week on the action side... but we did get a new recruit

thanks to the efforts of DJK Love Saris... so a big thanks to her for doing her part and welcome to JH Mark!!

Also, I am holding MP training classes on Tues and Thurs nights from 7-11 PM EST in #ShadowAcademy. I hope to see some of you there.


Other than that activity has been lacking, but I have put Glorick to the task of making a battle for us to fly... after flying one of his other missions I look forward to it.

Knight and Mark are having some minor PC problems, but they expect to have them cleared up soon.

*Darkfinn XvT-TC#33, XvT-FCHG#3

*Love Saris Participated in XvT 2v2 MP training last Thursday. (#ShadowAcademy)


Well, short report... but that's all for this week... I look forward to seeing all of you online!

In darkness,

Sith Warrior, Captain, Dolsar V. "Darkfinn" Saris

--Shadow Academy Combat Instructor (Sith)

FL/CPT Dolsar Saris/Kraken 3-1/Wing XX/ISD Subjugator




SW Darkfinn (Sith)/CMDR/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona



T/I: 'Hellkite' --Purgatory CMDR

T/D: 'Mawcor' --Kraken 3-1

"Make love AND war!!"

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