Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report



Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr

Brothers & Sister!

I know that last week i said it would be a short report so i do not have you lot take up too much time reading it, well this week's report will be short........i promise ! :D

If its not then you can kick me up the bum for being a liar ;))

House News.

For all the latest DB News :- http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

Clan CSK Website :- http://csk.minos.net/

  1. GJW Phase 2 Events (again) -

Clan Events


The wargame encompasses three events, one each for Krath, Sith and Obelisk. The Krath will be in charge of tactical manoeuvring for the event, including the gathering of intelligence through trivia and webhunts. The Sith will be responsible for Air Exclusion, enabling the Obelisk to then take on the lugubrious task of Ground Supremacy. What are you fighting for? Territory, power, and more…

MP Ladder - The Ladder is like any ordinary MP ladder. It will just reflect the clan that is in the lead on MP Victories alone.


Battle plan – Ground

Obelisk Graphic – design a Clan crest to be worn on troopers’ armour during the War of Possession; submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]; one submission per email; due date 31st March, 11.59pm EST

  Battle Plan - Ground -   

Battleplans may be submitted in either fictional or graphical formats. They can be given in paragraphs or point-form. Explain what your team is doing that will assure your victory in this scenario.


A 100m by 100m crater containing some interesting technology left by the pirate invaders has been located. A large dome has been set up around it so that the air is breathable and the temperature is bearable. A special investigation team from the Intelligence Division is on its way to examine and extract the equipment. They will arrive approximately 30 minutes from the start of the battle plan.

Your Clan has discovered the purpose to this technology. Despite your best efforts, another Clan has also acquired this knowledge. Both have sent Obelisk ground troops to secure the artifact.

Your Clan's forces stand upon the brink of the crater, looking down at the powerful technology of the invaders, when a shot from a blaster flies towards. Across the crater is the other Clan's retrieval team.

Describe how you will grab the equipment (two people will be required to Telekinesis it out, as you don't want to tamper with it accidentally), how you will fend off your enemies, and make sure that you describe the amount of time this all takes. You must be in and out within 30 minutes, but keep your movements (and the timing thereof) reasonable.

For the purpose of fairness, all troops involved are of the Dark Jedi Knight rank - on both teams.

Completed Battleplans should be submitted to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. One submission per email. House submissions will be accepted, but must be submitted by QUA/AED.

Due date: 31st March; 11.59pm EST

Open Events.

GFX 2: Design a banner or graphic that takes in some aspect of the second part of the plot.

Evil Mastermind Design: Who is the real mastermind behind the pirate incursion? What are his aims and goals? Put yourself in the place of a master-spy, sent out to determine the whereabouts, and identity of the crook. The more detail you can provide, the better.

Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]; one submission per email.

Graphics should be in .jpg or .gif format and zipped prior to submission. Mastermind designs should be in .doc, .rtf, or .txt format - graphical content can be submitted and should be included in a zip file with your submission.

Due date: March 31st, 2003; 11.59pm EST

  1. MP Room created for the Wargame - When you come online and are looking for a match, please visit - #shadowacademy - but remember also to change your name to reflect your Clan that your a member of. E.g. Mine would look like this - SK_Azazel. Don't forget to do that!!

  2. GJW Submissions - When you do send something in, please please please, remember to CC myself, OBM Waza, your SGT & DJH Aishea! Aishea is the RM of the House and is compiling our stats and participation onto a nice website so we can keep track on whose been a little helper and whose been a lazy bum ;)

N.B. If at any time you want to go look up any of the events for just a reminder, or to see if there's anything new, then please visit - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.htm

House Activity.


DJK Ari - OW

OW Arso - Trooper to Crimson Dawn SGT


None this week.......


OW Arso - Obelisk Core

PRT Kairus - Obelisk Core

GRD Dufar Jubar - Leadership Studies

OW Arso - Phase 1


PRT Exodius - House Kirleta to Rogues

This was due to College work.

Congrats on your promotions, well done for those who have completed courses, and a sad farewell to Exodius :(



One of our rows left us to Rogue, due to RL complications - Exodius. We hope to see you back bro, whenever your time allows it.

GRD Dufar Jabar joins our rows, yay!

Kai changed his name back to Kairus (the walrus? :o) but we still have two Kai's in the Clan!

Dufar Jabar did his Leadership studies, with a perfect score, too. Yay!

Arso Slyth passed Phase 1

Oh, yeah, and Ari gets promoted to OW!!!!

Aaactivity... was rather good. Check under www.aleema.net/csk/activity.htm for info, and MAKE SURE you tell me about anything I've forgotten! Otherwise your work does not get counted.


PS - still nothing from CoFo...


Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be Evil


Hi my name is Arso and I am the new guy in charge.

I wanna just say a few simple things

#1 - do the GJW stuff

#2 - contact me via IRC, if you want to play JK2

#3 - contact me via Email if you want to play JK2, you can catch me on this one, or [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (thats my "just in case this email account messes up and i have a back up" email)

#4 - do the GJW stuff

#5 - I want to put up a basic webpage, maybe one were we just say how good we are, nothing fancy

Have a good day and if you need anything let me know

OW Arso Slyth


Respectfully Submitted

ENV/VA Azazel Djo'Tarr/DREAD Tranquility.

SSx4/BSx3/PCx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR/IS-1BR/LoC-CSx4-Rx2/COL/CoB/OV-2E [LGNR] {IWATS- AIM-CBX-M/1/2-RT-SM/2/3-TT-XTT} ( Sith Infiltrator -"Sabertooth" | Callsign - "Wolverine" )

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto,


GG/MG Azazel Djo'Tarr/Alpha-Phare-Frigg.(MoS-w/SR)(MoSc-2)(MoPx5) {CDGI-Core-PC-PL-FR}

"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"

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