Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hello guys and welcome to yet another report from your boring QUA. I'm VERY pleased with your guys since the acitivy record shows me that you all are doing your best for the House and the Clan and with that arrive the rewards. I hope to see this state of grace to last more then the GJW since once it will ends I have a couple of ideas for you guys. For that reason I do NEED to know what kind of connection you have and if you have problem downloading huge files. I want a mail about it from all of you by my next report.

This week see also the departure of two of our guys since they haven't showed ANY sign of activity in a long long time. I have just requested the MAA to remove Vally and LH from our roster and even if you two whould like to join back in the future, you'll be place in a sort of probation for a while and in that time you'll have to show me you are worthy of our membership.

I hope to recive news about the new round of the GJW asap so to "let lose the dogs of war" and kicks some butts.

I forgot to mention in my last report that the Sith swords I gave to Kuro and Sirik aren't just something that ends here, you two are allowed to use those blades in all our written competitions and run ons. So use it =)

Now let's move an enjoi.

DB News:

No news exept the re-appointment of my friend GM Jac as Emissary.

Clan News:

Tissaya, former AED of House Ronin exchanged her position for AED of Dminatus heh Good luck darlin.


3 shiny medals are arriving to the top 3 winners of our bi-weekly comp.

Tatsu has been awarded with a Scroll of Indoctrination for recruiting Kuro. Now tells me that recruit isn't worth it =P


The bi-weekly screenshots. Take a screenshot of each mp match you play (only matches Vs DB members)and submit it to me and Jacen. The person that submit me more screenshot in a 2 weeks time get a shiny medal. To be valid you must submit me at last 7 screenshots (a match every 2 days, it's not that hard). Only for the lenght of the GJW I have decided to add a new rule: Each screenshots submitted that came from a match in this GJW count twice. This will give move possibilities of winning to those members that are doing their duties fighting for the Clan and invite those who are not doing so to wake up. Since the activity level is high engough I'm finally able to award the top 3 winner ! The 1st place goes to Tatsu with 34 points; 2nd place to Sirik with 9 points and 3rd place to Kuro with 6 points. Congratulation to all of you and keep an eye on your ID as your medals are arriving (/me pokes Belzo).

Phase 2 of the GJW is running folks. The dettails for the GJW can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dgm/index.htm . All members should be in #Alvaak as usual and #ShadowAccademy for the matches. Some common rules state that you have to use our Clan suffix ( AL) before your name if you are ready for a fight (i.e. AL_Khan) and you are allowed to fight only agaist the clan we are fighting that turn. I'd like to see everyone partecipating so go get some kills for us heh

Activity Report:

OBM Jacen Aylen

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Partecipating in the GJW.

Me, OBM Khan

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Playing in the GJW.

OBM Ryell Zoith

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Nothing this week.

DJK Deathdealer

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ON LEAVE for a couple of weeks.

DJK LilHawke

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Byebye, you have been AWOLed.

DJK Tatsu Kogarasu

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Partecipating in the GJW and winner of our comp.

DJK Vally

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As for LH, byebye, you have been AWOLed.

ACO Kuro

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Partecipating in the GJW and 3rd place in our comp.

ACO Sirik Xirok

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Partecipating in the GJW and 2nd place in our comp.


OBM Jacen Aylen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OBM Khan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

OBM Ryell Zoith [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Deathdealer [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DJK Tatsu Kogarasu [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Kuro [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

ACO Sirik Xirok [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


OBM Khan (Obelisk)/QUA/Auctoritas of Alvaak [KSOE: KC2]




AED Report:


SGT Report:

Undertow Sergeant Report


Were off to a good Start with phase 2 of the GJW, even thou there are only three out of seven people active, that's less then half, not good people. I mailed everyone and said that I would help with the obelisk events, so there should be no reason why there should not be 100% activity in the GJW. Those active and inactive will get what you all deserve.

Activity report

Sergeant Tatsu: Active on GJW, Active on IRC

Trooper Ryell Zoith: N/A

Trooper Deathdealer: On LoA

Trooper LilHawke: Active on IRC

Trooper Vally Tamalar: N/A

Trooper Kuro: Active GJW, Active on IRC

Trooper Sirik Xirok: Active in the GJW, active on IRC

Note: If there's something I missed tell me. Vally, Ryell, I need to here for you guys.


Obelisk Sergeant Tatsu

Obelisk Trooper Ryell Zoith

Obelisk Trooper Deathdealer

Obelisk Trooper LilHawke

Obelisk Trooper Vally Tamalar

Obelisk Trooper Kuro

Obelisk Trooper Sirik Xirok

RSV/LCM Tatsu/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves



DJK (Obelisk)/SGT/Auctoritas of Alvaak




RM Report:


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