Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>

You know, I meant to sit down last night and spend as much time as needed to bang out a witty, insightful report that included crapping, or retards, or crapping retards, or crapping on retards – but, unfortunately for you (and fortunately for the local drug dealers) I was distracted by the flashing lights, deep-fried funk, and negroeliciousness of a P-Funk concert instead.

Next thing you know, I was passed out on the bathroom floor in a puddle of my own juices, too stoned even to control my own bladder functions. Sad, sad, sad. Despite peoples’ assumptions, I’m not much of a stoner. Pot makes me quiet and introspective – I typically end up sprawled out on a couch trying to look deep into my soul, only to realize that it’s cold and empty. I don’t want to know these things. I prefer the psychological trauma of fine hallucinogens, the instant party-mood of amphetamines and other scary things that go bump in my nose, or, most importantly, the inhibition holocaust that only 15 shots of Jagermeister and a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon can provide.

Obviously, I’m still a few Mexicans short of a landscaping crew, so I’m going to cut my losses now, pass out for about 20 hours, bath for the first time in four days, and then write apology letters to all the people I offended or assaulted last night

Must… regroup… upper… brain… functionality…

Screw it -- I’m done for.

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>

  • Great Jedi War

  • Squadron Commanders

  • FEB HLK Monthly Flying Comp

  • Coming and Going

  • Promotions and Awards

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>FRESSH NEWS</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - Great Jedi War

Phase Two


Sith Events

Wargame/Multiplayer Events:

Turn Five:

We have encountered Tarentum and Alvaak forces. And we are allied with Clan Arcona, only when they ask for our help. What does this mean?

No Clue. But I can tell you what to do. :P

SP Missions are:

TIE Free 104: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=349

XvT Free 65: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=704

XWA Free 68: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=774

Fly these and send them to:

Quaestor Bob: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Aedile Malik: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

by 6pm GMT on Sunday.

MP Rules are:

Go to room #ShadowAcademy on IRC.

Change nick to begin with NS. ie. NS_Bob.

Look for Alvaak members or Tarentum members.

Play mp matches against them. XvT, XWA, JK, JK2

The winner of the match reports it to the DGM and specific order leader CCing the loser.

these matches must be played also by 6pm GMT on Sunday.

Battleplan Competition:

I'm STILL working on a battleplan with some members of Sapphire squadron. If anyone is currently working on one contact me. Or if you would like to assist with Sapphire's also contact me. We have until the end of the month for this.

Screenshot Competition:

Members of the Sith Order can submit any screenshot they want and as many as they want, from any mission on any platform.

Submissions sent to Sith High Warrior([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

Open Events

GFX 2:

Design a banner or graphic that takes in some aspect of the second part of the plot.

Stickmen are good. :P

Evil Mastermind Design:

Who is the real mastermind behind the pirate incursion? What are his aims and goals? Put yourself in the place of a master-spy, sent out to determine the whereabouts, and identity of the crook. The more detail you can provide, the better.

Submit to [Log in to view e-mail addresses];

CC: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

one submission per email.

Graphics should be in .jpg or .gif format and zipped prior to submission. Mastermind designs should be in .doc, .rtf, or .txt format - graphical content can be submitted and should be included in a zip file with your submission.

Due date: March 31st, 2003; 11.59pm EST

#002 - Squadron Commanders

We don't have any. We need two.

If you think you have what it takes, apply to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

#003 - FEB HLK Monthly Flying Comp

I got the results from Scithe this week. The winners are:

1st place - SBM Bob

2nd place - PRT Uther

3rd place - PRT Ksian Qui-Soran

As far as Squadrons go:

Sapphire - 34 points

Diamond - 1 point

I will keep this monthly comp going (for now), so send all pilot files to me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

#004 - Coming and Going

Lets Start with Coming:

Jedi Hunter Phelan

And now Going:

Guardian Rogue Ronin

#005 - Awards and Promotions

Lets Start with Medals:

Legion of Scholar - SW Janos Silverwulf

And now Promotions:


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>THE USUAL SUPSECTS</td> </tr> </table>


Drank some beers.

SBM Malik

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

IRC Activity.

Posted on Clan MB.

SWL Tron Sadow

No Activity.

SBM Scithe

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

Email Activity.

SW Carl Lost

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

Email Activity.

Flew XvT TC #21.

Flew TIE Free #217.

SW Den Darkhill

IRC Activity.

SW Janos Silverwulf

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

IRC Activity.

DJK Jack Stone

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

IRC Activity.

DJK Karim Sukkarius

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

IRC Activity.

DJK Sevren

IRC Activity.

JH Sancho

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

JH Phelan

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

Joined HLK.

GRD Talon Karrde

IRC Activity.

PRT Uther

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

Submitted Trivia for Turn 3.

Flew XvT Free #46.

Flew XvT Free #60.

Flew XvT Free #82.

PRT Ksian Qui-Soran

No Activity.

PRT Saber

No Activity.

PRT Dark Eclipse

Joined Kressh yahoogroup.

House Mascot/Fred the Seal

Assisted Quaestor with beer drinking.

_NOTE: No Activity doesn't mean you didn't do a damn thing...It just means I just didn't see you do a damn thing :P

Also, if you don't tell me about it I can't report it._

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="red"> <tr> <td>CONCLUSION</td> </tr> </table>

My first week as Quaestor. Not too bad, only misplaced one member during the ventilation shafts training, only offended two members, my fricking rotating chair works great, it turns out that Sith Orb dosen't break if you accidently knock it off its stand, no HCI "convictions", only a few members confusing hotmail with hatemail, accidently submerged the palace with Aedile Malik still outside, just five death threats, my vision is still blurred, I have an uncontrollable case of “the shakes”, I’ve been coughing up enormous chunks of phlegm, I’ve lost 6 lbs, and my blood type has changed from O+ to AB-.

Not a bad week at all,.....and many more to come.

That is all!

SBM Bob(Sith)/QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow

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