Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

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<font color="#ff0000">INTRODUCTION</font>

Greetings and welcome to another QUA report,

As expected the AWOL check results weren't good; none of the contacted pilots replied to my message so they will be removed from our Roster. Caliburnus will have smaller Battleteams but at least they will be entirely composed by active Sith.

I do prefer to have a 20 members House rather than deal with a full House where only 25% of members are active, but this doesn't mean we cannot have more active people in our Roster. This is the right time for some recruitment, my Sith. Search for Force sensitive pilots in your TC and IW Wings, show them the power of the Dark side and bring them to mighty House Caliburnus. You will be highly rewarded for every new member recruited.

 <font size="-1">  


<font color="#ff0000">DB AND ORDER NEWS</font>

                                       Dark Brotherhood News - [http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp)  

                                              <font size="-1">  

                                       Sith Order News - [http://members.aol.com/hades55624/](http://members.aol.com/hades55624)</font>  

<font color="#ff0000">HOUSE STATUS</font>



Great Jedi War**_<font size="-1">


#6 has begun and once again CSP must face CNS forces, we lost the last engagement so take this battle as a revenge! MP pilots, join #shadowacademy and hunt down some CNSer! SP pilots, fly at least one of the Single Player missions: TIE-Free 145, XvT-Free 11, XWA-Free 76. Also, a new trivia has been released and it can be used to obtain extra points.

 <font size="-1">_**  


Nightmare Commander**_<font size="-1">

After a long and dedicated service, SW Dolza stepped down as CMDR of Battleteam Nightmare. Dolza wanted to take a breather from CMDRing and he also wanted to leave opportunity to someone else to lead his fine Battleteam. The chosen one to lead Nightmare is...DJK Snijglau! Good luck on your new job and keep Nightmare in shape (otherwise you will be severely slapped by Kane and me :p)



on short Leave**_

     <font size="-1">Our RollMistress got a bad Aurorian flu and she

will spend the next few days in her room. In such cases the "Heal" power works great but if you are too weak to use Force powers, a milk+whiskey potion and a warm bed will do fine as well!</font><font size="-1">

 </font>_**Jaron Kai advances to Battlemaster**_  

 <font size="-1">Big congratulations to 'shade CMDR for her very well 

deserved promotion to the rank of Sith Battlemaster! Jaron Kai is doing an exceptional job as Commander of Nightshade, I remember when she was appointed with the rank of Guardian and now I'm proud to see her reaching the prestigious rank of Battlemaster, all members of Caliburnus should take Jaron Kai as an example; activity, loyalty and commitment are and always will be rewarded in this House!</font>

 <font size="-1">  

</font><font size="-1">

</font>First round of Caliburnus Top Gun is over

Caliburnus Top Gun #1 is over and medals have been awarded, most importantly we have two new Aces: DJK Snijglau is MP Top Gun and JH Penfold is SP Top Gun. Congrats to both of you, you earned the right to attach the Golden Skull to your Sith flightsuits.

<font color="#ff0000">COMPETITIONS</font>

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The Great Jedi War

<div align="left">Wargame - Round #6

We are attacked by CNS forces, there're three things you can do to help CSP win this battle:

1) Go to #shadowacademy (Undernet servers) and kick some CNS butt. Supported platforms are XWA, XvT, JK, JK2.

2) Fly the SP missions:TIE-Free 145, XvT-Free 11, XWA-Free 76

<font size="-1">3) Answer to Trivia questions (attached)

Send all your entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], CCing your BT Leader and myself. Dealine is Tuesday, 6 PM GMT!</font>


<div align="left">Sith Events - Phase 2

  •     _Battle

    plan Competition_, Members of the Sith order will be charged with formulating a strategy to best fit the following scenario. Battle
    Plan Scenario

  • Screenshot Competition, This competition is primarily for fun, members of the Sith Order can Submit any screenshots they want and as many as they want, from any mission on any platform, submissions are to be sent to the Sith High Warrior.

    _**Open Events - Phase 2**_<span style="font-style: normal;"></span>  
    <span style="font-style: normal;"></span>        
  • <span style="font-style: normal;"></span>GFX 2: Design a banner or graphic that takes in some aspect of the second part of the plot.

  • Evil Mastermind Design: Who is the real mastermind behind the pirate incursion? What are his aims and goals? Put yourself in the place of a master-spy, sent out to determine the whereabouts, and identity of the crook. The more detail you can provide, the better.

               <span style="">Submit to [eloniel@dsl.pipex.com](mailto:eloniel@dsl.pipex.com);

    one submission per email.</span><span style=""> Graphics should be in .jpg or .gif format and zipped prior to submission. Mastermind designs should be in .doc, .rtf, or .txt format - graphical content can be submitted and should be included in a zip file with your submission.</span>

                                                                _**Caliburnus Intelligence**_  

    Wanna be part of Caliburnus Secret Service? Create a Team (max 3 members) and contact me and Kane Reese. Rewards and honors for the best agents.


  • **<font size="-1">Participate in GJW, that's everything I ask you for this week</font><font size="-1">

  • <font size="-1">Stay active, be communicative, have fun!</font>

<font color="#ff0000" size="-1">HOUSE SUMMIT ACTIVITIES</font>


                                Quaestor           -      SBM  Gidda


            Completed XWA-TC 32 with 3 HSs  

Submitted Trivia and took screenshots for GJW

Working on new projects for HC

 MB and IRC


                                                 **Aedile - SBM Kane Reese  

                           **Flew XWA-FREE  79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 88, 89, 90,

92, 93, 95
<div>Flew TIE-TC 178</div> Submitted AED report

            IRC and MB activity  


                                                                **    RollMistress   - SW 

                                                          On short Leave  

Took care of HC Training Program

 IRC and MB activity  

<div align="center">** <font color="#ff3333">SBM Gidda (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae</font>**

                                           **       GC/(SC-SoP)/(SE)/DC-KC-O-CS-D/(BN)/Cr-3T-8E-4S-7A-1R-2D/CF/DSS/MoT-1RH/CoL**  




{HC: SL-SH-LS-MP-CS-FS***}*</div>

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