Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Turmoil is upon us...

The split of the Brotherhood from the Emperor's Hammer is starting to show its ugly sides. A lot of positions in the Brotherhood are vacated or being filled by people having to do many, many things that have nothing to do with their actual jobs as Dark Council members or Consuls.

This means that yes, a lot of things aren't working as smoothly as they normally do. However I am confident this will change soon and we will all be able to remember who and what we are: People having fun in a scenario allowing them to roleplay Dark Jedi.

Thus goes my important advice to House Aleema: Don't let yourself get dragged down by the current events. You may see little leadership right now, but this doesn't mean the leadership has disappeared or that things will run differently. We do have several competitions in Aleema, both at Phyle and Hosue level (and your last chance to do the "Doubtful times" Clan competition tonight!) and these will get you your medals just as reliably as any other competitions before and after.

Speaking of medals...

I have taken a good guess at who managed what place in order to correctly award your GJW performance. If someone got a surprise victory I didn't know about, I'll make sure you get the reward as soon as I know about it. So, without further ado: The AWARDS!!!

Grand Cross of the Dark Side for DA Arania Lawakiro

Steel Cross for KPN Troutrooper (no longer with the House)

Star of Eos for DJK silent (also no longer with us)

Dark Crosses for KP Selket, PRT Xehr, DJK Ghost, PRT Angelo Dante (the last two unfortunately left Aleema, too).

Add to that the stuff already seen by the summit and that's one impressive list of medals for a great performance. More than half of Aleema has shown activity that directly translated into awards!

Activity... please show some on the House list and the messageboards! I know these times are horrible, but this shouldn't discourage you from posting. I see those of you who are on IRC in the channel quite a lot, but don't leave those who don't out of the loop.

Additions and subtractions... I must admit I completely lost track. I know Garou and Ghost went Rogue and Dr Pepper + Dar en Kendrath joined, but I'm bound to have missed someone. Please forgive me. Our current roster is at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/viewunit.asp?ID=14 (I hate to report things this way...)

Promotions... didn't lose track here! Dar en Kendrath made a very quick dash to ACO after joining... if only everyone were that active right now!

Oh, for those of you having stuck with me all the way down to here: I have preliminary word of something... big coming up. Be prepared. Be very prepared...

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