Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<head> <title>AED Report</title>


House Aleema AED Report

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" id="AutoNumber10"> <tr> <td width="100%">(#11) 24 April 03

  _&quot;Forging the mind of those worthy to wear 
  our crest&quot; Part 1_

Do you know where that is from? Yep, its our House motto. At face value it has a pompous dominative feel to it, don't you think? Well, I have decided to try and make you think about it. It is so often that motto's or cliché's are thrown our way without taking into consideration what they mean in and out of their context. Anyway, as I was saying...I would like the chance to make you think of our motto by braking it down bit by bit. What better place to start than the beginning...


Webster's defines "Forging" as: to form or bring into being especially by an expenditure of effort. In case you haven't noticed, there are elements of Aleema who are always putting out more than their share of effort. This is done because they have the desire to make this House the best - no matter what. Through their efforts they hope to "form" or "bring into being" the drive, attitude and pride in Aleema that so many before have had, and instill it in the House as a whole. Look at all of the work that goes into this stuff so we can have's insane. Aleemans take pride in what they do...I, for one, take pride in two things 1) my writing and 2) being a prick :). There are a bunch of people here who take pride in the characters they have created, almost to the point of obsession. Some take pride in their desire to lead, or to be "the one" with the keys to the fun locker. Some fail - heck we have all failed at one point or another...but that is what is expressed by "expenditure of effort..." our constant drive to succeed and be the best, despite the odds. Aleemans don't (or shouldn't) half-ass anything because the one's before us expended the effort to ensure that we took pride in a House that takes pride in her members. For new members, House Aleema desires your growth into the future Jedi who will be the ones "to form and bring into being" the next group of Aleemans. For the veterans, House Aleema is what you have made it through your efforts. No matter what, the House will be what we make it; Aleema and its members will be Forged (formed and brought into being) by OUR expenditure of effort, both individually and as a House.

"...the mind..."

The tool that you use here is your mind, some aren't as equipped as others, but that is our tool nevertheless :P Other orders use gaming...we use the spoken and written word. Their advantages are dexterity and coordination, ours is knowledge and imagination. Take the arms of an Obelisk...what is left to wield his saber? Take the craft from the Sith...what will they fly? You cannot take the mind of the Krath...even in death we exist through what we leave behind...our words and imagination...the basis of knowledge. Therefore, it is a sad sad day when pride is no longer taken in what has been developed. We cannot look back on "high scores" as Krath, we cannot "beat or break records" we have no pilot files...all we have are the tomes, fictions and poetry that we create. Never lose your pride in what you have the ability to create. Do not submit anything if you are ashamed to have your name associated with it - because after all, that is what will remain. The efforts you indulge are exactly how you will be seen. So, expend the effort to form your mind into accepting nothing but the best from yourself as a member of this House.

Part 2 Next week. </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%">_HOUSE STUFF: _ </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%">Welcome our new Aleema members!!!! KAP Enahropes Teriad Entar - great...another long named guy :)GRD Draco Aloran Caanis - what's with the long names? Actually, this one's been here for a bit; I just forgot to say "hi" in my last report. :P
NOV Elbwyn - see? nice short name.

  **NOV Knight** - welcome to the &quot;Hizz'ouse&quot; 
  (okay, that was dumb)

  <td width="100%"> </td>
  <td width="100%">Results of the &quot;Doubtful 
  Times&quot; Clan Comp:

1st - DA Arania
2nd - ACO Dar en Kendrath
3rd - PRT Xehr

Congrats to all! (There will be no comment from me on the lack of participation; though this line in itself is actually a "comment".) </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="35%">NEWS:</td> <td width="65%">** </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> DB News Page</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%">COMPETITIONS:</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%">_CLAN: N/A_</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%">_HOUSE:</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%">AED Competition:**_

  <span class="postbody">-=Dear Diary 

  **Start:** ASAP!   

  **End:** 30 Apr 03   

  **Mechanics:** Write a &quot;log&quot;, &quot;journal entry&quot; or &quot;diary input&quot; 
  (whatever you want to call it) depicting a day in the life of your 
  character. It can be in the guise of the current events between the EH and 
  DB, or it can be something completely unrelated. The &quot;mood&quot; is up to you - 
  the &quot;vernacular&quot; is up to you. There is a &quot;no holds barred&quot; on language 
  should you decide that you need expletives. There is a catch 
  ready? Your entry must be written in the 1st person! (i.e. - &quot;I&quot; did this 
  or &quot;I&quot; did that).   

  **Awards:** 1st; Cr-1S/2nd; Cr-1E/3rd; Cr-1T   

  **Format:** Prose. Min 1 page. 10-12 pt Arial or TNR font.   

  Send submissions to: []( 
  with &quot;AED Competition&quot; in the subject block</span>

</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%">PHYLE:</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"><span class="postbody">_ Angels of Death Comps:_ Writing (ID's #123 & 129)

  Comp ID# 123   

  **Start Date:** 2003-4-10   

  **End Date:** 2003-4-30   

  Participators: Angels Of Death Phyle   

  **Awards: **Crescent Emerald Star for 1st, Topaz Star for 2nd and   

  Quartz Star for 3rd place.   

  **Description:** Members of Angels Of Death will write a poem, fiction 

  graphic detailing a celebration. It could be the End of   

  Phase 2 in the GJW, it could be a simple   

  party, or it could be a wedding. The most creative/fun   

  entry will win 1st place. There are medals for 2nd and   

  3rd place too!   

  **Miscellaneous: **Stories NO LONGER than 4 pages, Poems NO LARGER   

  than 2 pages, and graphics NO BIGGER than 1MB. 20   

  days is the duration of this competition!   

  E-mail: [](

  Comp ID# 129   

  **Start Date:** 2003-4-15   

  **End Date:** 2003-4-30   

  Participators: Angels Of Death Phyle   

  **Awards:** Crescent Emerald Star for 1st, Topaz Star for 2nd and   

  Quartz Star for 3rd place.   

  **Description: **Write a description for a new species. It could be a

  walking, talking apple or a hairy, smelly, ugly rabbit.   


  E-mail: [](</span></td>
  <td width="100%"> </td>
  <td width="100%"> </td>
  <td width="100%"> </td>
  <td width="100%">**BUCKET O' 
  LINKS****:  **

DB Message Board
DB News

CSK/Aleema Forums

DGM Site

Krath Combat Center

Krath Order Site

Dark Voice

Some Links may be temporarily down, it's not my fault

  <td width="100%"> </td>
  <td width="100%">Well, I'm done. Until next 
  time here's a tip: Never, ever...ever wear two kinds of plaid at the same 
  <td width="100%"> </td>
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