Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Kirleta Report



Battlelord Azazel Djo'Tarr


Dark Ones...

Hola!! Welcome to another House Kirleta Report fresh from the fingers of moi. It has been a bit quiet this week on the news front, so don't expect too much on that front. I do have something special for this week though. And thats a Dark Lord of the Sith write up (like a history lesson). So if you guys like it i'll do another one next week for you or whatever Dark Lord you want me to look up :)

Also, those paying attention will notice that i have completed Version 1.0 of my Obelisk Trooper/SGT skins for Kirleta. These will be updated a bit later when i learn some new tricks. But i'll let you know when i have an update for them :) Hopefully, as Arso mentioned, i'll either writing up a tutorial for those who want to learn to skin to learn from, or i'll send you a link so you can learn from where i did. It is a bit confusing at first. But if i can do it, i am sure you guys can too :)

Anyway...lets get it on!!

House News.

For all the latest DB news visit: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

CSK Homepage : http://csk.minos.net/

CSK Main Forum : http://www.satalketo.net/mb/

  1. Vashino SGT - With the leaving of Reza, this position is now open and applications are being accepted. I think that the deadline for this will Thursday 8th May. So if you want a shot at it then send your pitch into myself and CC Waza also so we can discuss it :) The chosen peep will be anounced then in the next House report.

  2. Independence Games - QUA Kaiann is looking for ideas for this 'Dark Jedi' Olympics. He wants more entries for events, try and keep them orgional! Go here to add your comp :

  3. House Kirleta Server (CSK) - GRD Brat Stone and a rl mate of his (possible new recruit) is working on a new server for us to use. As i get more updates i'll let you know how its coming along :) Knowing Brat though it'll be a good server and hopefully, low pings for all! Good form Brat and thanks for offering ;)

  4. Kirleta Skins - With the help of Waza, i managed to upload these onto the Yahoo groups website, and also OBM Wet Willy also mailed me and said that he had uploaded them onto his website. So ... here's the two url's for you guys :



Thanks again guys, i'd be stuck without your help ;) And WW, yes i may be able to make a slight adjustment and make your skin look a tad different ;)

  1. Obelisk Core Note - As i have done with the longer standing House members, can those of you who have not already done so, or are new, please complete the Obelisk Core and the Dark Brotherhood leadership exam from the SA please? And also complete your history too if you have not already done so...i will be checking up on these in the week too :)

Thats the news for this week!

House Activity


NOV Nikko Streld - ACO

NOV Bentusi - ACO

NOV Bane - ACO

Well done guys...the first of many i foresee ;)


None this week :(

SA Courses.

ACO Bane - Obelisk Core



OW Reza - House Kirleta to House Auctoritas (Alvaak)


none this week :(

Other Reports.


Aed Report

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

First let me open today with an apology, Arso I have been remiss in including you in the comp stuff sorry man ! So evryone flood arso's mail box also when you send in screen shots for the comps. Make sure you id which comp it is for somewhere in the mail; the funny screen shot comp or the screen for points comp just to make sure we dont flub up the screens!

speaking of which we have a new update


Arso: 3

Az: 1

We have lost our Vashino sargent anyone interested please apply to Az & Waza so we can get one sorted & ready to run.

There have been no snags & 3 of you have some promo's to buy drinks for. Lets go guys open up those credit sticks we have some old timers who could use a drink.

From the SA office comes the request of a DB wide comp so if you have any ideas as to what you'd like to see happen brotherhood wide send an explanation of the comp to Kai in the Shadow Acadamy.KE Kaiann

My time is running short if I think of anything else I'll just make another report for you all to read instead of out playing jk/jk2 & recruiting


OBM Waza Sunrider (Obelisk)/AED/Kirleta of Satal Keto



Crimson Dawn SGT

Crimson Dawn Report

An eventful week for us here in Kirleta.

Three Promotions! Congratulations go to:

ACO Bane

ACO Bentusi

ACO Nikko Streld

In other news....

Keep sending in those screenshots to Waza for the screenshot competition.

Az is releasing his set of skins for the clan very soon. If you are interested in learning these skills contact Az at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and if you are interested in Saber skinning, contact the OHC Sharad at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

With Reza leaving for Alvaak, we now have an opening for Vashino SGT. If you think you could handle the job, get in touch with Waza and Az.

Anyone interested in making a cooler webpage for Crimson Dawn. Let me know and we can help each other out.

Thats all from me right now. Make sure to read the AED and QUA reports for more detailed information. Let's try and recruit some more people.

OW Arso Slyth (Obelisk)/SGT/Kirleta of Satal Keto


Nothing this week?? Blimey...i'm speachless Aishea has nothing to say! :P

KCCT Update

Just another competitions update...

JK1 CTF: six people signed up, but no matches (at least, no reported matches) as yet. I might get in on this myself, assuming I can DL the demo for JK1.

JKO 2v2: Az has finished with the rules for this comp! They're attached to this email. Look them over so you know whats going on.

Screenshot Comp: Here are the current standings:


Arso: 3

Az: 1

Wouldn't take much to win. just 6 or so little screens... :P

10 ways comp: I'm pretty sure this is over, but if you have a late submission, send it off to Ara right away.

That's it for now. Cya all around on IRC!

Dufar Jabar

JH Dufar Jabar (Obelisk)/TRP/Kirleta of Satal Keto



Dark Lord of the Sith of the Week!

Lord Naga Sadow

An ancient Sith magician who practiced a thousand years before the Freedon Nadd uprisings, Naga Sadow was one of the strongest Sith Lords at the time Marka Ragnos died. Trained by the old mage Simus, Sadow was an intense individual who wished to bring the Sith Empire to the forefront of the galaxy, a viewpoint not held by his contemporary, Ludo Kressh. Upon Ragnos’ death, Sadow chose not to attend the huge funeral. Rather, he plotted how he could obtain the position of Dark Lord of the Sith. At the close of the procession, Sadow confronted Kressh, and the two Sith Lords battled for the position of Dark Lord of the Sith. This clash of Sith energy brought Marka Ragnos’ spirit back from the dead, and the spirit warned both of them that conflict within the ranks of the Sith would further no one’s plans. With the appearance of Jori and Gav Daragon, Sadow discovered a way to further his own goals. Ludo Kressh believed them to scouts from the Old Republic’s advanced forces, so Sadow freed them and staged a rescue attempt in which many Sith warriors were killed. Sadow claimed it was Kressh’s inability to mobilize the Sith forces that caused the deaths, and claimed himself Dark Lord of the Sith in order to guide the Sith into battle. He then took the Daragons to his two fortresses and hid them, playing upon their emotions and their latent Force abilities to gain their confidence. He built up Gav’s strength, teaching him Sith magic while manipulating him into a position where he would obey any command. Sadow recovered the Starbreaker 12 and returned it to Jori, telling her that Gav had been killed and that Sadow could no loner protect her from the other Sith Lords. Her flight provided Sadow with all the hyperspace coordinates he needed to begin attacking the Old Republic. When Kressh finally mustered his own forces to attack Sadow, he attacked at Khar Delba.

This expended much of his resources, while Sadow hid on Khar Shian. From there, he launched a massive counterattack, decimating Kressh’s forces and nearly killing the rival magician. Sadow then retired to Primus Goluud, where he entered a mediation sphere and launched his attacks on the Republic, augmenting his forces with illusory warriors and monsters. When Gav Daragon disabled the sphere, Sadow’s concentration was broken. The Jedi Knights and the Republic were able to see through the illusions, and eventually defeated the Sith forces. Sadow, under attack by the Republic’s fleet at Primus Goluud, chose to rip the star apart and destroy them all. Gav was able to provide the Republic fleet with an escape vector, saving them from the conflagration but dooming himself. Sadow limped back to the Sith Empire, where he was confronted by Ludo Kressh’s restored forces. In the opening acts of the Great Hyperspace War, Sadow used the Dark Side of the Force to coerce one of his starship captains to ram Kressh’s ship, destroying his chief rival and securing his position as Dark Lord. However, this left his forces vulnerable to Empress Teta’s fleet. In a last-ditch effort, Sadow drew Teta’s forces into the Denarri Nova in hopes of destroying them all, but the Nova flared up and destroyed much of Sadow’s fleet and part of the Tetan fleet. Sadow himself managed to survive, and fled to Yavin 4 to begin rebuilding his empire. Note that some references claim Naga Sadow was an insectile beast of pure Sith blood who learned how to give life to the dead. The ruling Dark Lord of the Sith did not appreciate Sadow's bold attempts, and sentenced him to die. Sadow took his knowledge and his followers and fled to the moon Yavin 4. He was eventually hunted down by the Old Republic, who branded him an outlaw and chased him to the Denarii System. There, Sadow used the powers of the Sith to rip the cores from the two Denarii stars and fling them at the pursuing fleet. The fleet was destroyed, and the stars exploded to form the Denarii Nebula. Sadow survived the encounter, but later passed into legends. He and his followers are now extinct, but their knowledge and powers remain behind on Yavin 4.

Next week - ?? Thats up to you ;) If nobody mentions it i may pick one myself :)

Final Ramblings??

Ohh...none really this week :P Sorry, i just feel burned out right now and tired from all my late nights of staying up late and working on these skins. I have tried some new stuff out on them, and now i have to make Waz's skin and finish off my own :)

House Comps - Guys please try and take part. They're set up for your benefit you know ;)

Other than that, hope to see you all on mIRC, if anyone has any questions at all, or a problem that wants some attention, then please do let me know!!

Thats it for this week, so until next time, take care of yourselves and eachother ;)


Respectfully Submitted

OBL Azazel Djo'Tarr (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto.


"Regere Sanguine Regere In Veritatem Est"

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