Obelisk High Commander Report


Obelisk High Commander Report

  1. The official DB JK2 server is up! You can find it here:


Password: dbpimps

For any additional info, check http://www.minos.net/~obelisk/servers.php.

  1. I'm in the process of testing some levels out for multiplayer to upload on the server. Shadow's CTF level, Jedi Grounds, is already uploaded. If you have maps you'd like uploaded, then send me a link to the level and I'll test it out.

  2. Starting in June I'll be holding a competition (which I mentioned briefly in my last report) to spur multiplayer activities. It will be held all day on Saturdays (12 AM EST - 11:59 PM EST) in #obelisk. Basically it will be a multiplayer competition (you just get matches with other people, not from your house), and the house in the top three spots at the end of the month will get some prizes. The prizes will consist of a custom graphic made of me, and some points toward possessions. You can find samples of the graphics here:

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

  1. Inter-club competition with the RS, SV, VE, and NR5F on Saturday at 4 PM EST in #outerrim. SW:GB, XvT, XWA, JK, JO and Fleet Command are the supported platforms. Get a CF for a win or three losses. Have fun!

  2. Lastly, I'll be on leave for the weekend. Be back Sunday.

Obelisk Website

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