Herald Report


Herald Report

Slow week, so I'll make this brief...

1 - Congrats to Mejas Doto! There was a long recommendation for you to get the DS, but DJM was the consideration presented. I am quite pleased to see you finally attain the rank of Master.

2 - Now the HRLD Office is comprised of Masters. I have asked the Office be cleared of all others and Mejas moved back to being Praetor. I am not looking for Magistrates at this time.

3 - There is no three.... other than to say JACDOOOOOOOOOOR! JACDOOOOOOOOOOOOR! (chuckle)

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td></td><td>Dark Jedi Master Kaine Archon Mandaala
Herald of the Dark Brotherhood

"Fear will keep order"</td></tr></table>

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