Ajunta Pall Summit Announcement


Ajunta Pall Summit Announcement

Hey folks, your friendly neighborhood Dread Seal Lord here. Had a couple quick announcements I wanted to make, specifically regarding a new summit for House Ajunta Pall. Ronovi and I reviewed many fine applications for these positions and have come to a decision as to who will fill those roles. First, as Quastor, we have selected someone with past experience in that post, albeit for the other house, Taranae! Between her application and recent track record as Aedile, we thought she was the ideal choice to step into Kelly’s shoes. Taking Taranae’s place as Aedile will be someone who has, as of late, became an important part of Plagueis snd should fit nicely in the role, Dralin.

Together, I hope to see Dralin and Taranae continue to make Ajunta Pall a HAPpening place. Ok, that was bad, but none the less, good luck to both of you.

That pun at the end hurt worse than a blaster to the chest. Congrats guys


Congratulations to Taranae and Dralin! Looking forward to seeing you both do some great work.

Looking forward to seeing how these changes affect Ajunta Pall.

Thanks everyone! I'll do my best even though Kelly leaves big boots to be filled.

Congratulations, both of you!

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