[ GAL report - Aedile ] Apps and Week 2 Fic Update


[ GAL report - Aedile ] Apps and Week 2 Fic Update


So this is gonna be a pretty quick news post, and serves a dual purpose. We finished week one of the house event and so you can see a bit of a fiction update regarding that below. But also...

Marshalls opening for BTL apps

You heard me right, since the departure of our wonderful Wulfram Armis, we have yet to fill the position he vacated. No longer though! Ood is opening up applications for anyone who wants to serve as Deputy of the Dajorran Marshalls. You can email all applications to Ood, and as always include the information below.

  1. Tell us a bit about you! I know this question is so vague, and is my least favorite, so here are some ideas: personal details about yourself like what you enjoy to do or your job irl, what you do enjoy doing in the db, etc
  2. Any IRL qualifications that might make you a good fit for the position. Data entry, manager experience, etc.
  3. Any DB experience that might be of interest for us to know, such as project work or community outreach
  4. If you have any plans already for the DM, ideas you want to see realized, narrative directions you want to take


The Nighthawk Arrives

The whirr of thrusters sounded as the Nighthawk slowed as it approached Gethsemane, carrying many of the members of Galeres. The moon of Erebos lazily kept orbit, a small blob of smoke apparent even from the distance the Nighthawk was at. The members of the House were scattered amongst the lobby-- Vreva and Paum sitting on one side with Vreva sitting upside down and her feet against the viewport, Cryo pacing the length of the cabin, Foxen looking as intimidating as always in a corner with an either nervous or excited Flyndt who seemed to be vibrating with stabby energy, and multiple other members trying their best to not look bored as kist.

And Siv who looked like she could melt into the floor if given the chance.

The pale Chiss took a deep breath and tapped the comlink in her ear.

"Jemel, Minnie, come in,"

"We hear you, Siva baby." Minnie's voice came over the link clear as day and Sivall felt herself relax a bit. It was good to have people here she trusted. She adjusted her brand new gloves, the surface nerves in her hands jittering at the feel of the cybernetics placed against her skin. A soft smile, just a second, for the present given to her before continuing.

"How are emissions doing?"

"We are at minimal radiation leakage currently. It might not stay that way for long, though. It seems that the internal temperatures of the ship are climbing." Jemel this time, his voice calm and matter of fact. A good man in a storm, a level head in the chaos. Another deep breath, she reminded herself, and squared her shoulders. Ruka's words rung in her ears as her sanguine eyes flicked towards Ood who was sitting off to the side. He gave her a nod, allowing her to take the lead this one time.

In-- two, three. Out-- two, three.

"Alright, Galeres. We've arrived planetside. We'll be beginning our descent soon. We're here to rush in, check for survivors, and make sure that the core of that ship doesn't detonate. We are to set up just aside the debris field and work in teams to cover as much ground but miss as little as possible. Any questions?"


"Then let's get going. Arcona Invicta."


Let's goooo! Excited for the next week of comps!

Woooo! Leaderberry on the job!

Xjsjxjcjdnbsbfnfn I AM EMOTIONAL

Best Berry. At your service, ma'am! Salutes


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