ACC Update: 3/23/2014


ACC Update: 3/23/2014

Greetings all!

Quick ACC updates for all of you!

As you've heard, it'd be a good idea to qualify for the ACC. We're up to a total of 70 people qualified, but we can do better. The ACC is going to be returning to live status Soon(TM), and it'll be put to immediate use... So get on over to the Shadow Academy and start with ACC Fundamentals!

The ACC Open Beta is progressing nicely and has nearly finished. For those of you that have staging site access, you can still earn some yummy CIs and some participation thank-yous, so I highly suggest you check it out over on Staging if you can.

Speaking of staging, the Tournament is going very well, and has progressed to the third Phase. Only 8 combatants remain after a fierce set of battles! Check it out!

Note: Create-an-NPC grading has begun, and we're going to get through those soon!

Alrighty, that's all for now!

Telaris “Mav” Cantor
Combat Master

Do all the ACC! :P

Congrats to everyone who's made it to the Elite Eight! :P

Make ALL the Feedback, take ALL the exams!

In the words of a famous barely understood individual:


Atty's feedback is "please stop, no ysalamiri kthx" :P

Congrats and goodluck to everyone. See ya in the ring! ;)

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