Applications for Left Hand of Justice Open


Applications for Left Hand of Justice Open

Brief Introduction

Hi! I'm the new Justicar. :P Please pardon my dust as I relearn markdown.

I will have a full report out in the next couple of days introducing myself and detailing a few projects I'd like to tackle over the next few months. For now, I just want to thank Mav (again) for nominating me. Serving as Justicar has been a goal of mine for at least a decade, and I am tremendously grateful for the opportunity. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to Jac, who helped set me on this course by selecting me to serve as his Right and then Left Hand and has now entrusted me with the truly daunting task of following in his wake. Finally, I need to thank both Muz and Sarin for bringing me onto the Dark Council as Headmaster many moons ago and then voting me into the Star Chamber at the end of last year.

Now on to the main purpose of this post: I find myself missing a Left Hand.

In Search of a Judicial Prosthetic

I need a new Left Hand of Justice and I am accepting applications that are due no later than 11:59 pm EDT, Friday May 11. He of the Ceiling, in his wisdom, used a Google form so that he could ask specific questions of applicants and have a nice, organized speadsheet to review. It was a good system, but at least for this application period I will be taking standard emailed applications.


The Wiki describes the job as:

Left Hand of Justice (LHoJ)—The Left Hand of Justice is a member of the Chamber of Justice and serves at the discretion of the Justicar. The Left Hand is charged with upholding the laws of the Covenant and the Brotherhood's rules and regulations. Specifically, the Left Hand of Justice is the counter-weight to the Right Hand's prosecution efforts. He serves as defense counsel and ensures that members have proper knowledge of their rights. He works with the Right Hand of Justice to gain a full discovery of evidence and helps establish a case in defense of the accused.

  • Enforces the Dark Covenant and Dark Brotherhood rules and regulations
  • Assists with the administration of justice and mitigation of problems
  • Works as chief defense counsel

That description doesn't give the full story, though. The most important thing to know about either of the Hand jo -- oof, positions -- is that the Chamber operates as a team. The Right and Left Hands are not rivals in any meaningful sense. During the investigation and complaint stages of any case, the Chamber works cooperatively. Both Hands investigate, and both do their best to offer unvarnished, impartial assessments of the evidence. Once the decision has been made to issue charges, then the Left Hand becomes defense counsel and the Right becomes prosecutor. They argue opposing sides, playing Devil’s Advocate if necessary. If the Justicar (or jury, in rare cases) renders a guilty verdict, the Hands will jointly advise on appropriate sentencing.

For this LHoJ's term, you should also expect a considerable amount of project work primarily in the form of writing and editing a new batch of CoJ courses for the Shadow Academy. More on that in my report this week.


I have no specific rank or experience requirements, but I do want to know a few things from your application:

  • Who are you? Why is this the right job for you?
  • Do you have any prior CoJ experience?
  • Do you have any real world legal experience? (Real legal experience is not a required trait, but it can be helpful and I'm curious).

In addition, you must answer one of the following two questions (you can do both if you want, but I won't hold it against anyone who only tackles one of them.) There is no right answer to either of the questions, and if you wish I will keep your answers confidential.

  • Take some time to review recent CoJ cases. Do you think any of them were wrongly decided? Was the sentencing too harsh? Too lenient? Explain.
  • What is your opinion of the current Letter of Reprimand removal policy? Do you believe the policy has been correctly applied? Should the Covenant process be amended?

Finally, please submit your application in PDF form.

And that's it! Remember, you have until midnight on Friday, May 11. This is a critical role for the Chamber, and I don't want to leave it open any longer than necessary so I retain the right to select someone before Friday.

Again, I will be putting out my first report soonish so keep an eye out for that. Also, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns my door is always open. Feel free to hit me up on Telegram or shoot me an email.


Congrats, Bubba!

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