Competition Policy Update - Artificial Intelligence (AI)


Competition Policy Update - Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Competition Policy Update

Following my appointment as Justicar I wanted to ensure we were providing equitable guidance to all competition organizers in regard to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Following a discussion amongst the Councilors, they agreed upon the following update.

MAA Policy - Competitions to include the following language.

  1. Acceptance of artificial intelligence-generated submissions is up to the competition organizer, and needs to be outlined in the competition details.

This will help guide new members creating competitions to ensure they're outlining how AI submission will be handled within their given competition. Ultimately, the competition organizer(s) have control on how AI will be either included or excluded from their competition(s).

Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz


Good choice. Thanks for making it clear!

Excellent. I like the decision to leave it up to the organizer.

Generated and certified by KamAI

Nice and clear

In competitions that accept AI art, do other artwork where the submissioner's input remained purely textual also count as a valid submission?

So, let's say that instead of consulting an AI generating algorithm, I go the old-fashioned route and find an artistically inclined person. I provide a written prompt of what I'd like them to generate (I believe the term is 'draw') for me. And then, like magic, an image appears in my inbox some time later, much like an image appears out of an AI image generator.

Does this now count as a valid submission as well, considering the input was similar between myself and my AI-generator using peer?

Tali, that would be defined by the competition organizer on what level of AI engagement they will or will not accept as part of the competition.

In your example of having someone else draw for you that would fall under Section 7.06(o) Conduct of the Member - Plagiarism: Members must not submit any plagiarized work as their own. Work of others, including content generated by software or a website, may be used in a member’s work provided that the sections of the work that are not wholly original work of the member and the sources thereof are identified and disclosed.

Which, in regard to the later part of 7.06(o) would be governed by the rules set by the competition organizer related to AI work.

Well I would obviously not try and hide the fact that I am still only capable of generating stick figures on my lonesome. :D

I'm more curious as to whether this means that any competition that is open to accept submissions made by non-human non-members is also open to submissions made by human non-members? It would seem to me that accepting one and not the other would be rather odd, since all things considered the means of creation/generation is verymuch the same.

I get an idea. I make a prompt. I post the prompt to a generating service. Maybe I pay a fee, maybe the service is free. And like magic an image hopefully following my prompt details is made for me. Then just submit the generated image to the comp and add a disclaimer that I only made the prompt.

Surely that must qualify as a valid submission in an AI-allowing competition?


What you're describing doesn't violate the Covenant or any current policy as long as it's fully disclosed. It's up to the competition organizer to judge your entry.

Good, just checking! ^^

Kind of random question.

Is there a default of allowed vs not allowed? Curious if an organizer doesn’t specify what that means.

If the MAA Office is going to be ensuring an “AI Go” or “AI No Go” phase will be included in all comps then my question is kind of irrelevant.

Also, imho AI is the devil. It’s stealing my DJB Pin Number and spending my credits. I will avoid it. ;)

I think we're gonna have to start, Val. Sort of like asking about ties.

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