Confirmation of a new Justicar


Confirmation of a new Justicar

Hello all,

Last Friday I opened discussions, and yesterday I made the call for an official vote on my nomination of Thane "Atra" Skotos for the position of Justicar.

I want to open with the final results of that vote:

Vote Results 15 Yes Votes:

GM: Yes
DGM: Yes
MAA: Yes
SCL: Yes
HM: Yes
RGT: Yes
Naga Sadow: Yes
Vizsla: Yes
Arcona: Yes
Odan-Urr: Yes
Taldryan: Yes
Plagueis: Yes
Scholae Palatinae: Yes

Justicar was a vacant vote due to Bubba holding multiple roles and was not part of the initial quorum, and Alaisy while part of the Electorate had not been in her role for 30 days making her invalid for the purposes of quorum, leaving the Electorate at 15 voters. Confirmation required 3/4 of the votes or 12 votes and was confirmed.

As such, Atra has been confirmed by the Electorate and appointed Justicar replacing Bubba.


Congratulations Atra

Congratulations Atra!

Congrats, Atra! Justicar is a great job, and I have every faith that you'll make us all proud.

I look forward to you sitting in judgement of me (legally for once) someday :P

Let's JST get straight to the puns

That is JST awesome!

Congratulations! ^^

Well deserved. Congratulations

Arch... JST... Don't...

Seriously, though. Congratulations, Atra!

May your term of service be excellent and/or peaceful, Atra. In any case, well done. claps

JST the tip of the iceberg, I'm afraid.

May your wisdom benefit us; your humor delight us; and your presence be a boon to our collective future. Congratulations and thanks in advance of your service.

Also: Will you now do pre-trial /jigs?

Congrats, Atra!


Congrats, Atra!

Bravo, p'tit gars! Bonne chance!

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