[CSP] Applications for Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco


[CSP] Applications for Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco



Shadow and I are seeking applicants for the Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco. This was one of the original houses following the great clanning decades ago. Further, this was the house I was the first Aedile and second Quaestor of.

It has had a rich tapestry of history over the years but there is abundant room to grow and explore new stories within our current Clan setup.

Applicants seeking to apply should submit a written applications to Shadow ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Kamjin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and address the below key points.

  1. Short-term goals (e.g. week one, first month, first three months) and long-term goals (six months to one year).
  2. Recruitment - goals and avenues of engagement
  3. Competitions/Story - We are building story-groups to help co-author fiction and direction to ensure everyone is invested. What type of competitions are you seeking to run and how will you enable these as a method of furthering the House identity?

We have not set a minimum rank requirement. However, those under the rank of JM4 may need to provide additional leadership experience to support their applications.

We will seek to fill the position by August the 13th. The CSP Summit reserves the rights to conduct panel interviews with any finalist being considered for the position.

Whether you're a member of CSP or a member of another Clan, please do consider applying if you're even the tiniest bit interested! You have the chance to learn from a great Summit, to have a ton of fun, and to make a really positive impact on member experience in the Clan and broader club.

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