[CSP+TAL] A Collective Danger


[CSP+TAL] A Collective Danger

Attention to all members of Taldryan and Scholae, information comes across you, suggesting an imminent attack on the capital of (other clan). While a rival clan, Taldryan and Scholae fought successfully together in the GJW. Helping them could provide leverage for a future alliance, but letting the attack happen would be a blow struck against a rival. what does your character do in this situation?

The choice is up to you. For any member of Scholae or Taldryan seeking to help the other Clan, check out the full details of the competition here: A Collective Danger

A big thanks to Eli for being the mastermind behind and setting up this first (of hopefully many) competitions that lead our Clans into a joint future.

Rian Taldrya

Consul of Clan Taldryan

Being honest, I had no clue we teamed up 😂

Feeling the love Kylex, smooches.

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