New Chamber of Justice Staff


New Chamber of Justice Staff


It is my pleasure to announce today the new Chamber of Justice staff. I have been sitting on this decision for some time now, mainly because I like my current staff and did not want to see them go. But I am confident that the new team will carry on just as well.

Before the announcement of my new staff, please join me in thanking Turel, Lexiconus, Archenksova, and Alaris for their service to the CoJ. This past year has brought on some interesting cases and required a lot of great teamwork. I am ever grateful for these folks and what they have contributed. Bubba was cool, too, but he's staying on in a different capacity.

Without further ado, the new CoJ staff is as follows:

  • Right Hand of Justice: Arden Karn
  • Left Hand of Justice: Dacien Victae aka Bubba
  • Appeals Panelist: Takagari "DarkHawk" KogaRyu
  • Appeals Panelist: Tahiri Thorn Morte Tarentae
  • Appeals Panelist: Len Iode

With this, Bubba will be moving from RHoJ to LHoJ. I can't part from him yet. This group is a little Plagueis-heavy, but I can't always balance that as well as I'd like. This staff will see a renewed focus on completing the CoJ Shadow Academy courses, and will hopefully see very little by the way of cases (fingers crossed).

Congrats on the new appointments, folks. I look forward to working with all of you.


Gratz to all the new staff, but especially Bubba who it was a high honor to work with the past year.

Congrats, everyone! And thanks to those departing for all of your great work.

Grats all!

Congrats to the new staff, I hope you stay mostly bored though.

To the new CoJ staff, Congratulations. To the old CoJ staff, thanks for your work. To Bubba: What can't you do? Seriously.

Grats all!

Congratulations, everyone!

Congratulations All

A huge Thank you to Turel, Lexiconus, Archenksova, and Alaris for their service!! :)
Congrats to Bubba, Arden, Len and Takagari, looking forward to working with you all and Jac.

Congrats all!

Congrats everyone, may you be bored out of your minds during your service.

Congrats all. ^^

Congrats to all!

farewall old... and congrate to new staffs of coj hope yall can make us proud.

Thanks for the oppurtunity Jac and welcome to the other new folks!

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