Tides of Change - A Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Arcona feud


Tides of Change - A Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Arcona feud

Tides of Change

A Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Arcona feud

Arconan Fleet

Bridge of the NSD Invicta

It was the deep breath before plunging into the unknown. The glinting sparkle of light dappling on cold water before diving into the deep silence beneath. The heartbeat before a heart stopped.

Arranged in formation against the backdrop of space zipping by at hyperspeeds, the Arcona Expeditionary Force was a magnificent sight to behold. Utilizing the standard screen formation, each ship was positioned for maximum firepower on arrival, neglecting defensive strategies. It was clear that the battle was intended to end as fast as it would begin.

It was to be a massacre...

Odanites, find the rest of the opening fiction here!

Arconans, find the rest of the opening fiction here!

Event Competitions

*The tides are changing. Not only in the hearts and minds of the Brotherhood's individual clans, but in the Brotherhood as a whole. One can only guess at what effects the ripples will cause, what direction the currents will pull us all, and whether or not we will drown or rise to new heights…

On a smaller scale, however, wages a different war. While both Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Arcona battle unrest from within in the changing world around them, they are called together in the unlikeliest of alliances as the Clan of Light goes to the Shadow Clan for aid. But when an enemy appears that is greater than either of them can face alone, the two Clans must make a choice: unite despite their multitude of differences, or face certain death.

With so much at stake, can they succeed? Or is such a strange collaboration doomed to fail?*

Find the parent competition here!

As team events will be included, we're releasing this form to expedite the signup process. Sign ups will run through the first week of the event (from today until the 27th). Note that if you do not sign up for one of the team events in this window, then you will be ineligible for placement in team events, but can always join or form a team late and participate if you like (this will still earn you and your Clan some points, and it's fun).

While you have been given the option to list team members you'd like to work with, bear in mind the following restrictions that will also be listed in individual competition details:

  • Teams or pairs must consist of at least one member from each Clan, so long as numbers allow

  • For the RO, teams must have a minimum of five members, but no maximum

  • For the BP, teams must have two to six members

  • For the (week 2) co-op fiction, pairs will be of two

Again, you can access the form here. Please remember to sign up if you intend to participate in team events!

Want to keep track of everything, but afraid this newspost or an email will get buried? Just use this wiki hub to keep track of simple event details and competitions. It will be updated as the event progresses!

Letter from the Consuls

Greetings, lovely members of Clans Arcona and Odan-Urr!

The leadership of both Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Arcona have worked together to deliver this event, which will pit our combined strength against the O’reenian threat. Notions of an alliance between the two Clans have begun to take root, allowing all of our members the chance to develop their own character’s thoughts. We hope that in doing this, not only will we give our members a chance to explore their own characters, but form bonds outside of their Clans as well. We’re interested to see where this event takes our members, and the choices they make in the process. This is an important moment in both Clan Odan-Urr and Clan Arcona’s history, so get out there, participate, and make some friends along the way!

All as one to victory!

Signed and sealed,

A’lora Kituri

Atyiru Caesura Entar


Just kidding!

Friendship is magic! Go! Throw glitter! Be beautiful! Do the things!

I'm watchin' you Arconan...

(ಠ ل͟ ಠ)

Come hither, bros.

[Insert obligatory Unicorn themed statement]

At least you remembered the themed statement bit :P

Not enough hype!

Great job getting this together, look forward to participating!

In 5000 years when I am venerable and senile, I will talk fondly of this feud. :P

Me with space battles:

Not a clue

Still hyped. #tigerswag

arconians going to hate....Odan-urr for life!!!

well this shall be an interesting experience and I look forward to the competition....now the things do them I must...

All Glory to who dies last!

I sense disturbing force From far away from our homeland The war,so frightened, there were been alot of deaths between the pure light( clan odanurr) and the darkness rage(clan arcona)

Clan odan urr and clan arcona War gonna started soon between both of them. Cant wait who will win the war..

My bets are on Taly winning it on a surprise attack, lol

Just try it. ;P

If I find any non ally around..... Its party time!

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