Verdict in Case No. 65, DB vs. Magik


Verdict in Case No. 65, DB vs. Magik

Members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood,

The Chamber of Justice has convened and issued a verdict in the pending case of DB v. Magik. Following an investigation, Magik was charged with three counts of Cheating and four counts of Plagiarism.

The detailed Verdict and Justicar's Opinion for the case can be found in the PDF file linked below. Please note that the written opinion is generally found on the page after announcement of the verdict.

The verdict was as follows:

Case #065 - DB v. Magik - Opinion PDF

  • Three Counts of Cheating: GUILTY
  • Four Counts of Plagiarism: GUILTY
  • Punishment:
    • Demotion to Equite 1;
    • Disqualification from:
      • [GJW XIV Event Long] Multimedia - Technological Distinctiveness;
      • Tenixir Prison Break: Pirate Logo;
      • [GJW XIII Event Long] Multimedia - The Offering;
      • Phase 2 Fiction/GFX - "Tag";
    • Letter of Reprimand permanently applied to the member’s dossier;
    • Strict Probation for 3 months followed by 3 months General Probation.

Comments on CoJ posts are left open for positive comments and words of encouragement to a member that has just gone through this hard process. Please be kind.

Signed and sealed in Justice,

Dacien Victae
Justicar of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood


It has been my privilege to befriend you and see your rise within the Brotherhood. I'm sorry these mistakes transpired, but you have ever been eager in your activity; dedicated in your bonds to the Brotherhood; and you are a true friend.

Much love, my man.


Magik, you're a hardworking individual and a dedicated member of Arcona and the DJB. I have no doubt that you will learn from this, and bounce back in no time!

Lucine Vasano

I'm glad members feel compelled the come out with the truth. I don't know Magik, but they seem like a good person who simply got caught up in a behaviour that went a bit too far in the negative. Glad you have a community that supports you here!


Hard lesson learned, Magik. I hope you see this as an experience to grow from and can bounce back. Seems like a lot of people love and respect you here, so don't forget the support of the community.

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