Verdict in Case No. 66, DB v. Creon


Verdict in Case No. 66, DB v. Creon

Members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood,

The Chamber of Justice has convened and issued a verdict in the pending case of DB v. Creon. Following an investigation, Creon was charged with one count of Cheating and one count of Plagiarism.

The detailed Verdict and Justicar's Opinion for the case can be found in the PDF file linked below. Please note that the written opinion is generally found on the page after announcement of the verdict.

The verdict was as follows:

Case #066 - DB v. Creon - Opinion PDF

  • One Count of Cheating: GUILTY
  • One Count of Plagiarism: GUILTY
  • Punishment:
    • Demotion to Equite 1;
    • Disqualification from:
      • [RoS: Escalation Event Long] Multimedia - Howie Needs New Duds;
    • Letter of Reprimand permanently applied to the member’s dossier;
    • Strict Probation for 3 months followed by 3 months General Probation.

Comments on CoJ posts are left open for positive comments and words of encouragement to a member that has just gone through this hard process. Please be kind.

Signed and sealed in Justice,

Thane "Atra" Skotos
Justicar of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

It is worth noting that there have been members who faced charges and go on to have outstanding careers in the Brotherhood afterward. Mistakes happen but they can be recovered from.

Owned up to it and knows what he did. I still think he has a great future ahead of him. Glad he isn't cut off entirely from the comp and leniency in that regard was given.

another one of those life's lesson some have to learn. he will get his rank back eventually and be a better man for it.

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