Voice Update #1 - New Combat Master, Praetor


Voice Update #1 - New Combat Master, Praetor


Hello Yes, This Is Wally...

And I am your new Voice! I'm going to steal Evant's report header for now, but wanted to make a few quick announcements preceding my first full report.

First, a quick thank you to Sarin and Mav for giving me this opportunity. I promise to only use my new found powers for good and to blame anything I break on Mav. I'd also like to thank Evant for all the work he did as Voice while also prepping for his role as Regent. There is so much work being done behind the scenes that I don't think everyone gets to see, so thank you again Evant for holding things down. I don't know how you did it.

That said, the show goes on.

Combat Master

Effective immediately, I've appointed Atra Ventus as the next Combat Master. This should come as no surprise to most of you, as Atra has been my right hand in all things ACC since I took the position. His knowledge is equal to mine, he appreciates the Character Sheet system in ways that most others do not, and he has my full and unwavering trust in taking over and giving the position the same level of attention that I did. I am also excited to see a fresh take on the position.

Atra will also still be heavily involved in other elements of the Voice staff, similar to how I was. Future CM's might handle the position differently, but going forward, expect more of the same from Atra in terms of his dedication to the development of the Brotherhoods fictional systems.

Praetor to the Voice

After talking with Sarin and Mav, I decided to fill the Praetor to the Voice with one of the top applicants for the position. A'lora had some really great ideas that he's already shared with me, and I think he's a natural fit for the position. For those that aren't familiar, A'lora has actually been working with the Voice staff on small things like the Species and Venue image projects. Congratulations, A'lora!

First Steps

I've had a lot of things thrown at me in the past 72 hours. I'm currently wrapping my head around things and playing a bit of catch up, but expect a more concise and detailed outline/report in the coming weeks. I'll talk more about the various projects on the plate as well.

Thank you for your patience, members of the DB, and I'm really excited for this opportunity. I look forward to continue to working on creating and delivering content for you guys, and if you have any questions or concerns, you know how to reach me: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Thank you!


Yay Atra and A'lora!

I promise to abuse my power in every way!

Congrats Atra and A'lora!!!!

Congratulations to Wally, A'lora and Atra!

Congrats to Atra and Alora!

Yay for A'lora and Atra! I was worried that A'lora moving on from COUCON meant that he was taking a step back from DJB involvement. Now I know that that's not the case, thank Slice!

Congrats all! Exciting news all around!

Great news everyone!

Congrats Atra-buns! Congrats A'lora! Looking forward to what excitement comes out of your office Wally!

Congrats Atra, you're going to make a great Combat Master! Congrats A'lora, glad to see you're still keeping busy!


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