Word Count: Again


Word Count: Again


The ACC Website tracks word count of individual posts. That count will be used as the hard standard. Previously, I was using the website and double checking in word to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but to avoid confusion and conflicting standards, the website is the end all be all for word counts.

Sorry for the confusion.

*A note. Using the website has officially removed my common sense test of double checking through word. So, if you are now over on the website, you are DQ'ed. I'm sweeping the leg, no exceptions. Take note of this because word may tell you that you have 998 words and the website count could be different. I recommend you avoid writing 999 words to avoid this potential difference.

*Second note. The only DQ was significantly over and this issue did not impact it.

Can something be added to tell folks the word count before they hit send? It won't tell us how many words till after submitted

Seconding the request for this function. I think that would save on a looooooot of potential disqualifications.

Thanks for clarifying the situation, Sarin. As long as the standard is consistent and fair, I'm on board.

I would still use word and then try to cap your post off around 980-990 words if you really need to push the limit. There are a lot of posts, very well written, in the 700 word range. Additionally, I never found a change of +/- 5 words when checking between the website and word. Most were +/- 1 word.

This change was made because this is a competition, and unfortunately, in competitions, we have to set standards that cannot be disputed at the conclusion of the event. Just be careful going near the cap.

This might help anyone, it's a bit detailed but I'll break the steps down. Still take heed of Darth Pravus's warning.

  1. There is a website that not only provides a word count, but a breakdown of most common words and other info. http://www.wordcounter.net/

  2. You might find a better website, and should if you don't like that one. Also I don't see any ads on it, as I use an add-on, but if there ARE ads all over it: sorry.

  3. I do find the word breakdown very useful to see if you write certain words too much. The word count is fast and you don't submit, it's instant as you type or paste.

And yes I broke one point into three to look better. Also I feel terribly for those that crossed the count.

On the ACC match bracket can someone add the rules link in the description at the top? Maybe in all caps [not being sarcastic] so there is a definite end to any accidental DQs?

Blackbelt in ACC

We've also requested the added function. That is entirely up to James and I'm not 100% aware of his Wednesday schedule :p

Wednesday night is deep fried clog night, as far as I know.

I can't faithfully write the Adventures of Corporal Labia in less than 1200 words per chapter.

Quit oppressing me, bro.

Corporal Labia? Rofl.

Don't forget her pet, Cuny Linguis


The preview modal now displays the word count for the previewed content. Happy writing, ACCers!

Awesome fast addition. Someone's a genius...

Thanks Arion, very much appreciated!

I'd say now with this addition, those dq'd should have a forgiveness and their posts erased and allowed to resubmit correctly. Just my opinion

Mercy is for the weak. Here we do not train to be merciful!

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