XP Medals


XP Medals


Many of you have noticed (or have been involved in writing recommendations for) an avalanche of medal awards today. Medals in the XP system are live, and our first order of business is truing-up everyone who has unused accrued Medal XP. Medal XP is the XP earned from doing site-tracked activities: organizing or participating in competitions, earning crescents, etc. Everyone with accrued Medal XP will receive the highest medal(s) their Medal XP has earned according to their medal ladder. The medal ladder is the progression from DC to AC to SC to GC, etc. Therefore a member with 40,000 Medal XP who has at least one AC, SC, SB, and AK but no DC or GC will receive first a DC, then a GC, and then a Ruby Scepter (a total of 28,427 Medal XP). The remaining 11,573 will remain available for future medals.

The final medal awarded in this process can potentially be upgraded based on leadership or project work, in consultation with the MAA's Office. Once this true-up process is complete, all medals will follow the medal ladder unless leadership/project work can justify an upgrade to a higher medal.

Note that medals based solely on site-tracked activity do not grant new XP towards a promotion; only medals awarded at least in part based on leadership or project work will grant new XP towards promotions.

You will be hearing much more about XP in the coming days and weeks. If you have any questions, please ask your summits or the MAA staff.



I cannae approve any faster, Captain!

Lawd the emAILs

But thank you!

Bubba avatar! xD

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