Aedile Report #1: Pretzels and Mountain Dew


Aedile Report #1: Pretzels and Mountain Dew


First off, thank you everyone for your kind words on the loss of my inbox, err the new position. I hope that I will at least not fail you in the ways you expect. Now for the report.

Local News

This guy just earned himself the position of Battle Team Leader of the wardens. I'm sure he will do well and help Taldryan grow.

Dru proved to be the most touched by Tarax's death, winning the Eulogy for Tarax. Armags was kind enough to send out a collection of everyone's lovely words on Tarax.


Halc not only continues to climb Taldryan's ladder but has also become the new Wiki Tribune. Grats Halc.

GM Jac is has settled into his new role as Justicar and has already started working on sever projects. You can see here how well he's AdJSTed.

Wally is the the Combat Master. His first nicely detailed report can be viewed here. It includes a new kind of ACC competition called Rivalries which seems interesting.

Star Wars News:

Marvel has begun to release art from their new title Shatttered Empire, part of a planned story arc called Journey to the Force Awakens.This is one title I will be back-buying to avoid the new movie's plot.

Rumors are the next trailer for The Force Awakens will be released in May. Everyone is guessing it will go before Disney's next epic, Avengers 2.

Not really Star Wars news, but I feel its worth posting. There is an awesome quality video of Batman and Darth Vader facing of here.


Some locally run comps

And as always, all DB wide competitions can be found here.

KE Raistline Majere

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