Combat Master Report #2: New Judges, The Road Ahead


Combat Master Report #2: New Judges, The Road Ahead


Wherein Wally is much more brief, announces the new ACC Judges, and drops an outline/information.

ACC Judges

We received more applications than I thought we would. I eventually decided on 5 members to join Alaris and Vivackus, giving a grand total of 7 (a proper number). Those members are as follows:

  • Anima (Atra) - CNS
  • Kz'set - PLAG
  • Timeros - ARC
  • Archangel - CSP
  • Samael - TAR

The goal was to have a diverse team of graders from various units. In the past, insularity was a major concern for the ACC, and I think this is one of our first steps to addressing that perception.

Some might say this is a very large staff, especially when the rest of the Dark Council staffs have been recently trimmed. The ACC is unique, however, and it is my belief that having more judges (who also serve as exam graders) will help ensure quicker turnaround times on exams and matches, which will then lead to more people participating in the ACC.

I'm also putting stock in the upcoming major ACC Competition: "Rivalries" to unlock the floodgates for matches.

The Judging staff will adapt to the workload before us. Even if a judge only serves for a month, I will be content knowing that they got to see how things are done on the Judge side, which should hopefully lend to more enlightenment about the entire ACC process. And thus, our influence will spread its seeds, and then grow into a plant.

And you know what to do the plants.


I will send out an email shortly to all the volunteers for CS2.0 Projects. I am flattered, honored, and excited by the number of people willing to get involved. Everyone will be divided into teams, and together we will work on tackling things piece-by-piece. Thank you again to everyone who has volunteered.

CS2.0 will launch in a set of phases.

Phase I will focus on the following:
  1. Aspects - More pre-written Aspects for members to choose from.
  2. Feats - More feats to help create more diverse pool of characters.
  3. Disciplines - Three new Disciplines to choose from, and alignment-neutral
  4. First wave of new Venues that have been pending. (We will have a method in place for these going forward).

The first phase is targeted for launch on April 16th (30 days from the writing of this report). This is a soft-goal, and I will re-address the target in the next 3 weeks when I have a better idea of how the team is working.

Phase II will focus on the following:
  1. Force Powers/Skills/Tiers
  2. Species Page - A page within the site or Wiki to move our various Species out of a simple wall of a text format.

Timetable: TBD -- This is an ongoing project, but one that will probably take a bit longer than the elements of Phase I.

Phase III will focus on the following:
  1. Clan Powers
  2. Order Powers/Feats

Shadow and I have put these lower on the priority list. I know a lot of people are excited for these, but they are icing on the multi-layer cake we are working on.

Timetable: TBD

Lightsaber Guide: Abridged

Shadow and a small team are currently working on creating a short-form reference/guide based on the material from the recently launched LSG. They are working on it as we speak, and you should see it soon.


I'm going to again tease the upcoming honor-duel inspired DB-wide competition: "Rivalries". Now that I have my team in place, we will hammer out the details and you should see more details in the coming weeks. I want to be able to launch it sometime after Phase I rolls out, but It's very hard for me to tell right this second. I will keep you all apprised to our progress.


There was some good discussion generated from my first Combat Master Report. You can follow along on Discourse here. Remember that if you have Feedback for the ACC/CS's, send Shadow or myself emails with the tag [ACC Feedback] or [CS Feedback].

Useful Links (Compliments of Mav):

Useful Links For The Character Sheet System

ACC Question and Answer

Useful Links For The Antei Combat Chamber

That's all for now.


Just to clarify, the lightsaber reference guide will be, like the CS itself, for all fictional endeavors in the DB, not just for ACC use.

So, who wants to beat me in an ACC match after the new Disciplines are out? :P


CSP... :)

Noob... :)

Nice to be back being judgmental... Erm, I mean judging! Should be fun.

Fixed, Dante. I'm sorry <3

No that totally still says HSP. BIAS

Refresh :P

dang was hoping to be a judge.

I demand a revote on the ballots.....I see a hanging chad there....where's al gore to come sue

It is fixed. Bias removed.

Love the new group of judges, I'm sure all of them will do well. With more judges, we can have more matches judged quickly, which will likely be good for business. Also happy to see a plan in place for CS2.0 rollout, and looking forward to more details on the Rivalries competition. I definitely have enough rivals to ACC...

Nice report, Wally!

Great report!

I'm very curious to see the new changes to the CS system! Good luck everyone in your new positions.

Looking forward to seeing the Abridged Guide.

Whenever the Wiki Edition that Sai wrote gets uploaded, that'll basically be abridged too ;)

So excited for all this. Solari, when a medic-centered Discipline comes out, we can fight each other with kindness and...books?

Whoever has the better flavoured lollipop wins.

I wouldn't say these are the best writers with observation skills, but I guess it'll do. Hurry up with the disciplines Wally!!

grats to the new judges, fun things coming it seems. So can we bring back the comedy hall?

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