Consul Report March 2023


Consul Report March 2023


-=| A World Apart Opening Fiction |=-

Kanal watched as the cloaked figure entered the gate now visible in the cavern. Indeed, the main forces of Vizsla were now gathering in the room. Just after the hooded figure walked into the gate another smaller being walked through. It appeared to be a woman, also in a cloak.

“This can’t be good,” Kanal stated. “If the legends are true, then this is a doorway to anywhere in time. We can’t let them go unchecked.”

“I agree,” Korvis replied, “we need to follow them now.”

As Korvis finished the sentence a weird wind picked up within the cavern. This was a fierce wind and it was tearing at people’s flesh as it swirled about. Kanal looked toward the back of the room where Shooter stood. Suddenly he was gone. Just gone.

“Shooter!” Kanal screamed out to the man who was no longer there. “We need to go now! I fear that time has already been changed, and we need to stop those two before they commit irrevocable damage to our timelines.”

Seeing the swirling dust coming closer and closer to the clan Korvis ordered everyone into the portal. Once through the doorway, Kanal could see many different arches to go through. Up ahead the smaller of the two figures took a turn and vanished through one such arch.

“There they go!” Kanal yelled out. He ran as fast as he could run in order to catch up to the figure. He heard voices from all of the portals as he ran by. Some of them were conversations he had had with Korvis, and the upcoming Great Jedi War. It was an eerie sensation. Kanal made it to the portal with the rest of Vizsla in tow. He stepped through the doorway and was transported to Coruscant, near the Jedi Temple. He turned around to see there was no portal behind him, which could pose a problem. Chrome started to poke his head through the portal.

“Chrome, don’t move,” Kanal yelled.

Chrome stopped so he was half visible.

“The portal isn’t visible on this side,” the Reaver observed to his Aedile. We will need someone in there to keep it open for us so that we can get back to our own time.”

Chrome snapped a salute and held his position as the rest of the clan followed through the portal. Soon everyone was standing on a platform overlooking the temple itself. Everyone was wondering why the portal had led to this spot. As they stood there a jetpack wearing figure flew overhead toward the temple. It appeared to be a Mandalorian, and Kanal saw a saber hilt hanging from his belt. It was the Darksaber. This must be Tarre Vizsla! Suddenly everyone in the clan knew when they were, and why the timeline had changed so drastically. These two must have killed Tarre before he could form House Vizsla and become Mand’alor.

-=| A Vizsla Story |=-

Starting on March 4th Kanal and I will be running the next Clan Event. This will be a three-week event with loads of quick and easy competitions for the most part. It is another chance for members to show up and show out. The storyline is a continuation of Great Hunt V and while it may not speak to every member it is a fun switch from the norm.

TLDR: Clan Vizsla has followed Su Well through the portal into the Past. She is trying to eliminate the Clan by taking out the formation of Clan Vizsla in its beginning. She must be stopped at costs.

Scoring: Points will be awarded according to placement focusing on quality over quantity. Therefore the awarded points will be as follows 4 points for 1st place, 3 points for 2nd place, and 2 points for 3rd place. Participation will be worth 1 point.

A World Apart - A Vizsla Story

-=| Mandalorian Season 3 |=-

Or as Thran would say The Adventures Of Silverman and Frogboy will be released on March 1st at some random time. This is just a reminder that there is a spoiler ban in Vizsla chat for 7 days from the release of each episode. Not everyone can watch it immediately and let's not be jack monkeys and ruin it for people. A good rule of thumb here is don’t talk about it until the next episode is released. There is a Spoilers chat where you are free to discuss the show in.

Next month will have the Datacron winner announced for Quarter 1 and hopefully some more definitive plans on the late spring and summer events.

Credits Not Words Korvis

Nice report Korv- love the header text and fiction inclusion.

This is the way.

looks into making a new CS as a Jack Monkey.

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