[COU] Rollmaster Open for Applications


[COU] Rollmaster Open for Applications

Odan-Urr RM Open to Applications!

Now that Blade/Aura has started doing #LazyCON's job for him moved up to Proconsul, the position of Rollmaster (or -mistress) is open. Blade really made the position her own, and here's a short list of duties she performed as RM:

  • First contact and orientation for new joins by email(s) and Telegram
  • Reaching out to members we haven't seen in a while, when and before they received the automated AWOL emails
  • Community development through competitions and fictional development questions so members could get to know each other's characters better
  • Lore development, specifically the new Jedi Praxeum
  • Advising the CON and PCON
  • Maintaining a high level of activity and visibility

Suffice it to say we have some big shoes to fill in the Rollmaster’s office. It is a crucial position within Odan-Urr’s clan summit and provides great leadership development opportunities at the clan level that can be used to help serve the clan and build a case for future career progression. The successful candidate will be given broad leeway to make their mark on all aspects of lore and unit development. If you are interested in helping build our clan’s future and fostering our great community, send us an application!


  • Applications are open to COU members only and are due to me, and Aura Ta’var no later than 8PM EST on 2 January.
  • Applications should address:
    • DB experience (projects, positions, etc)
    • Any relevant real life skills (no full resume please)
    • Leadership philosophy
    • Your assessment of the current state of COU
    • Ideas for the future of COU and its lore. Specifically address the recruitment of new members, retention of current members, and how you might foster the growth of Odan-Urr’s community throughout both old and new members.
  • There is no minimum rank or DB experience requirement.
  • Be prepared to answer follow-on questions via email.


  • This is a Clan Summit position, so put some thought and effort into this. Get it proofed. Sloppy or incoherent applications reflect poorly on the applicant. It doesn’t hurt to make it easy to read.
  • Know the difference between a goal and a plan. "I want to increase run on activity" is a goal. "I will host a tri-annual run on event" is a plan. Tell us how you will achieve your goals.
  • Do your homework! Show the hiring officials you understand the strengths and weaknesses of the unit. Haven’t been around for that long? Ask questions. Do some research. (For those that know the SWOT format, it will not give you extra points)
  • Be professional! This position fulfills an important job. Treat it as such.
  • Be honest! If you have rough spots in your history or community reputation, you should probably address those. Moreover, lessons learned are great ways to show your growth as a leader. Don’t be afraid to own up to your past faults. The best leaders learn from their mistakes and move forward.

Alethia Archenksova
High Councillor, Odan-Urr

Good luck to all the applicants!

An amazing opportunity! Thinking to apply? Just do it!

Big shoes to fill! Good luck all!

Good luck y'all!


Good Luck to all the applicants! :D

Good luck to all you who apply!

I remember sending in an app for this position and losing to aura. Second time is the charms right. Learned a lot from you aura working on the praxeum

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