[CSP] An Old Man Prepares for Battle


[CSP] An Old Man Prepares for Battle


Proconsul Report #2


  1. Holonet - An old man senses an impending disturbance in the Force
  2. Recognition - A new warrior arrives
  3. Collaborative Conversations - Inquires from the front
  4. Next Steps - Journey into the unknown


The setting sun shone through the massive windows of Adoniram Tower in the Proconsul's office. Kamjin leaned back in his chair and stretched. Purchase orders laid sprawled across his massive desk while the Clan's budget broadcasted from a holoprojector. Of course, I'm appointed Proconsul during budget season, Kamjin thought to himself.

A chime sounded and Kamjin snapped back to sitting upright. "Enter," he hollered at the door at the other end of the office. The door opened cautiously and his apprentice, Duk, entered the room.

"Master, I have the latest status reports from the fleet."

"Put them on the pile with the reports from the army. I'm sure they appreciate the need for inventory review."

As Duk crossed the room Kamjin closed his eyes. A moments rest was all he needed. The briefest of respites from the light of the holoprojectors would recharge him to power through the rest of the logistical work before him. He exhales as the darkness embraced him and he felt his body relax. The tension of the day seemed to seep out of him into his chair and off into the ether. As his muscles loosened his mind began to wander through blissful memories of happier times.

Sudden, his body seized up. His muscles and tendons locked in rigor. Unbidden images flashed through his minds-eye. Death and destruction reigned. Ships locked in mortal battle exploding in small suns. Sith and Jedi battling an unseen menace. A throughout it all a deep laughing voice crackled.

"Master, Master!" Duk screamed. Slowly Kamjin regained his consciousness. Blinking open his eyes against the light he found himself prone on the floor. His chair knocked asunder. Kamjin slowly sat up with Duk's assistance. His head swimming and disorientated. Then the memories flashed before his woken mind in a blur. Kamjin grasped hold on Duk and pulled him near.

"They're here!"


It was my privledge to request and receive approval to promote Cello to the rank of Warrior! You can view the recommendation here.

As you can see from the promotion request, Cello has been an extremely active member of the Clan in 2021. I encourage you to hang out in the Hearthstone queue in DB Gaming for a chance to experience his expert card strategy.

Moving into the EQ ranks is a significant milestone and one I am especially proud to recognize Cello for. This represents a larger step into DJB from the guided experience to JM4. I look forward to seeking continued growth from Cello and our other clan members.


Never let it be said I don't see a good idea being done elsewhere and seek to mimic it. Seeing how several of my peers have a section to address questions from the clan, or DJB membership in general, I've decided to include a section within my reports.

What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming RoS - Zappius Wight

Starting on a personal note, I'm excited to compete! The last time I competed was...over a decade ago. As you can see from the graphics below it was during an era when Star Wars: Customizable Card Game was still popular and viable.

DA Maverick - SWCCG SSD Avenge - SWCCG Claudius the Hutt - SWCCG

I'm also curious to see all the unique competition types. I've heard reference to Battle Strategy plans and the recent RoS prep competition doing a CS Analysis was a lot of fun.

Beyond my own personal strive to compete and excel; I'm eager to see the Clan and our newer members participate in their first RoS. This is a major competition and enables all of us to directly engage with the evolving and living story that is the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. I want to see how this helps shape their characters and spawns new fiction, graphics, and engagement post RoS.

What are your biggest priorities for the Clan going into and following the RoS? - Anubis

1) Entering RoS - Be curious and open to try new competitions. One of the biggest things that held me back for years in competitions was I'm not an artistically minded individual. My graphics are...well, 1995 MS Paint level is basically where they are (though copy/pasting/editing out backgrounds I have a bit more skill with). However, the below image actually placed within a Clan competition.

Kamjin, Ellac, and a Rancor
You don't need to win to have a good time. Especially since points tend to total up just from participating.

2) Exiting RoS - I'd seek us to capitalize on the new state of the DJB exiting the RoS. We don't yet know how the "universe" is going to change and what wonderful new areas of exploration will await us to explore. Personally, I'm still inclined to believe Evant is cloning us.

Further, I'm confident with the current mix of members that our performance will be significantly improved from last year's GJW and that will enable us to explore some new avenues within our intra-clan fiction and competitions.

What goal would you like to see achieved for CSP in one year? - DekIronyikut

This is a hard one to answer; not because of a lack of an answer but because of private discussions occurring with the Summit. Which, you're aware of and probably feeding into your question.
Difficult to see
There's a few key areas I'd like to see us having progressed on within a year.

1) Recruiting - Growth is key for all of our clans and especially with CSP. Inviting and engaging with our friends who share similar activities as us that the DJB offer enables us to have members join and stay engaged to Knight (JM4) and beyond. Members like Ellac, Kari, and Duk who are cousins of Sykes have been a key new core group for CSP.
2) Competitions - I've started some outreaches to a couple Clans to gather interest in inter-clan competitions in the later part of 2021. Post RoS these will become a key focus for me to ensure we have fun, engaging, and multi-clan competitions to engage our clan members.
3) Recognition - I am committed to continuing to review and advocate for the recognition of our members. Encouraging our clan members to participate in RoS, competitions throughout 2021, and also helping make connections where individuals skills and Dark Council led projects make sense to allow our members to earn greater recognition.

Do you have any pets (IC) - Tahiri Tarentae

No, Kamjin is not a pet person. Having entered the Imperial Academy in his teenage years and then serving through the Empire, Emperor's Hammer, and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood he's rarely at a "home" to maintain a pet.

From an OC stand point, I was raised in a house that had numerous pets. At one time we had six cats, two parakeets, a hamster, and several goldfish. In addition, my parents are animal conservationists by way of their philanthropic activities. As such, our backyards always had numerous feeders to attract an array of wildlife.

Currently we don't have any pets, having an infant (six months) and three additional children make that a challenge we don't want to take on. We have attempted fish a few times...to...well, less than stellar results. Our eldest actually told the last two fish we purchased "I hope you enjoy your time with us...even if it's just for a short time."
Kamjin and Pets

How do you feel about the Collective and the attack on Arx? - Tahiri Tarentae

Given this was primarily explored in the last GJW I'm coming in to the aftermath of their attack. Given that they are powerful enough to have brainwashed Evant they're clearly not to be taken lightly.

Kamjin is a strategist and leader. As such, he thinks through the possibilities that could unfold and this leaves some doubts as to the mental fortitude of Evant and whether the Collective couldn't still be manipulating him. Once a mind is broken it can never truly be put back together again and those fracture lines are likely to be broken again.
Broken Bowl

Did you have fun hunting the creature on Arx? - Tahiri Tarentae

Absolutely! The SARLACC event spawned two of my favorite pieces of recent fiction and, in the event of Ellac, left a life-long impact on his character. I'll link the ACC battles below for people who are interested in reading. I write for feedback, so drop a note if you like these.

Adept Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz vs. Acolyte Ellac Conrat
Adept Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz vs. Warlord Andrelious J. Inahj

What is the Capital of Assyria? - Thran

Ashur, also spelled Assur, was the capital of Assyria. Currently it is known as Qalʿat Sharqāṭ and is located in the northern region of modern day Iraq.

RoS is targeting to start on May 30th, 2021. That's roughly a week into the future (depending on when I publish this). I encourage you all to double check your games are installed, you're mapped to the correct servers , and you've taken time to check the Gaming Information and Rites of Combat sites.

In addition, double check your Character Sheets are current, there was a modification recently regarding piloting skills which would invalidate your previous CS until updated. Also, make sure any new purchases are on your loadouts and your descriptions are up-to-date.

The RoS is a technical competition and will involve judges from around the DJB. They will only have your CS and Loadout to reference when judging your realism. Don't let an oversight cause you to lose points.

As always, I have an "open door" policy, please DM me on Telegram at any time.

Great report! An old young man, will be a young old man. Now come get your rancors off my lawn!

Great job on the report! And if I might add, those CCG cards are awesome! Definitely would have added them to my CCG deck. As for the future, I am looking forward to it. As long as you leave the rancors in their pens.

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