[CSP] An Old Man Reflects and Redesigns


[CSP] An Old Man Reflects and Redesigns


Proconsul Report #4


  1. Holonet - An old man returns from battle with new plans
  2. Recognition - Great warriors, all
  3. Collaborative Conversations - Inquires from the front
  4. Next Steps - What comes next


The shuttle bounced wildly through the turbulent thunderstorm. The approach pattern for Caelestis City during the monsoon season could be tricky even for experienced pilots. Kamjin staggered into the cockpit, throwing out his arm to grab the bulkhead to steady himself as the shuttle pitched to starboard.

“Everything okay up here?” he asked, with the careful attitude of an experienced pilot.

“Yes, sir. We’re on our final approach now,” the pilot replied, as he continued to work the controls. His copilot effortlessly reached over and pulled the lever to retract the wings and extend the landing gear. Kamjin slid into one of the rear seats and watched as lightning arced through the clouds in front of them. The grayish void momentarily illuminated by a streak of raw energy before a thunderous roar would echo over them. Kamjin’s vision blurred as he watched the clouds shift in the wind and he was momentarily back in the heat of battle. The battle against the Force abominations replayed itself in sync with the flashes of light. Kamjin closed his eyes and sought to expunge the visions of those tortured souls from his mind.

“Adoniram Tower Control, request landing clearance at pad XD-23,” the pilot said tensely into his comm. The acknowledgement came promptly. Kamjin opened his eyes and smirked at the Imperial precision from his Clan.

“Shuttle Gekke, you’re clear to land. Landing beacons have been activated.”

Read more at CSP Clan Fiction

While I usually hate spoilers, to summarize the fiction, we will be restructuring Clan Scholae Palatinae into a two House format. I've outlined the justification below that was reviewed by the Summit over the last few months.

* Ensure all Clan members report to a Quaestor to provide tactical leadership versus reporting directly to Proconsul and Consul
* Ensure all Clan members align to a House for fictional purposes and have multiple leadership contacts to support their growth
* Allow for intra-Clan competitions between Houses
* Ensure leadership level is fairly compensated for the level of effort to engage with the membership

* Reinstate the following two houses
-- House Acclivis Draco (HAD)
-- House Caliburnus (HC)
* Retire the following house
-- House Empire’s Chosen (EC)

Anything more and you'll need to read the fiction. You'll also see this weave into upcoming Clan competitions as Dek works to close the Dark Times Saga, finalize our control over our home system, and we branch out in new directions.


Rite of Supremacy has concluded and what an amazing showing it has been. I want to recognize immediately those members of CSP who won Novas!

There have been several members of CSP who placed within the top ten of their various factions. For quick reference I've included the information from Bubba's report.

image image

In addition, special recognition to the following individuals who completed all bins.
* Adept Kell Palpatine Dante
* Adept Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz

Additional recognition has been prepared by the Summit and is going through the appropriate review and approval processes. These will be available by the time Shadow posts her Consul report.


Remember to log your questions at #Askkamjin within the Clan Scholae Palatinae [Telegram channel - Log in to view join link]

Participation numbers look pretty good compared to the last GJW, what are some strategies that could be utilized to keep member participation up? What can the average member do to help? - Dek Ironyikut

I've pondered this question a bit based upon the conversations that have occurred in our Telegram channel and in others. From a member standpoint, participation is key. Several members who made it into the top ten started out nearly there simply from participating in every bin and not based upon placing in the top three. No matter how small, no matter how silly, a submission goes a long way.

Beyond that, the challenge I've heard was "Why does my character care?" This is a valid question as not every character would care. We're not all Jedi seeking to involve ourselves in every conflict to try and make peace nor are we mercenaries always out for a credit. For some of us we're self-serving Sith.

Now, to me, that's the great challenge and fun here; how do we answer the question we raised? Why should my character care. To me I took it like those old prompts in school where I may never really care why I would stare at a cloud and figure out what shapes they looked like. But I need to turn in a paper so, let's stare at the cloud.

Sometimes that comes easily and other times it comes late. Don't feel like you need to write a best selling novel when you may only have short story to tell. Sometimes we engage in things and we're the "background character" to the event and isn't that fun to explore as well.

Finally, brainstorm, work it out with you peers (or in this case faction). I had an enjoyable time engaging with members of other Clans and learning how they attack different challenges and how I can fit into those plans.


If @SAKamjin, @TurelDJB, and myself came up against a massive, fire breathing dragon, how sorry would you feel for it? - Zappius Wight

This seems really subjective, what is massive to one person is small to another. Given our recent engagements.
PCON Hoof Bump
It's far more likely that this is the type of dragon we'll be running into and therefore, the dragon will become more of a person mailbox for us. Imgur

What are some notable projects that the Clan is undertaking or planning? - Raleien

This is a great question and a timely one given the restructuring that will be occurring with CSP. There will be a few key activities coming out of this that the membership can take part in.

  1. Updating of Wiki Pages - we'll need to review and update to reflect these changes across our various sites. If you're interested please let Shadow and I know as we have a Wiki Committee established.
  2. Exploring the resurrected Clan objectives - We'll be diving into our resurrected Clan objectives and look forward to people exploring this in new competitions and personal fictions.
  3. Recruiting - Growth will be key to our sustainability. If you enjoy what you're doing here and have friends with similar interests, share this with them. Nothing is better than having your friends with you as you cut a path through the galaxy with your lightsaber.


Project work is often cited as another way to get involved beyond normal activity. If a member is curious about project work, how should they ask to get involved, and what skills should they have now or desire to cultivate with experience? - Raleien

The easy answer is to refer you to the one above but it's more about building your network. You can ask any of us on the Summit what projects we have going on and if we're at a point we can bring you in.

More so, talk with others within the DJB. Ask DC members that oversee areas you're interested in whether they're going to have a staff change coming up that you'd like to apply for. Ask if there is a project underway that you could contribute.

To your final point, if you share what skills you have via telegram people will start seeking you out. Remember, no one knows what you know unless you share it.

Do you have a favorite DJB wiki article? - Raleien

I did enjoy the creation of this little gal, Tiny, for use in the RoS. It was a great reminder by the Voice that you can add to the tapestry of the DJB by adding Wiki pages for your NPCs.

If you want to look at a really well done Wiki page check out Bentre Sadow our current Wiki Tribune. He's really crafted an amazing Wiki page.

Did you have a favorite competition in the Rite of Supremacy? - Raleien

I actually enjoyed Howie needs new duds quite a bit and the button game. It's easy for us to take ourselves extremely serious. We're Dark Jedi and Imperials out to bring peace and order to the galaxy. Sometimes we need to relax and have some silly fun.

The button game had such a low level of effort to engage in yet caused some of the highest engagement in the general chat that I've seen in months. As for Howie's duds, you can really go silly and have fun and I hope you all print out my 5th place entry and let your kids play with it.


Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time I try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate so much about the things that you choose to be. - Justinios Drake


Actually, I didn't think it was appropriate to invite children since it's... You know, there's gambling and alcohol, and it's in our dangerous warehouse and it's a school night... And, you know, Hooters is catering. You know, is that enough? Should I keep going?

So you liek mudkipz? - Anubis

This took a bit of research and I won't go into what it means; you're free to research on your own. That being said, you can buy one here if you're so inclined to own your own.

They're weird looking but at the end of the day all Pokémon are weird looking to me.

How's the ewok-thropy treating you now days? - Shadow Nighthunter

I really need to screen these questions better. All I see when you raise questions about Ewoks is this.

If you skipped all the way to the end and didn't read, go back and look at the CSP Clan Fiction.

This is an exciting time for us and I hope you're all excited about these changes to. This opens a world of new opportunities to us that we'll be exploring. We will be making the moves over the next couple days into the two houses. If you want to go to a specific house please let Shadow and I know via email so we have a record.

If we do not hear from you we'll balance the houses.

Also, this does mean we'll have an open Quaestor position that we'll be filling. I'll submit a supplemental post this week with application requirements.

As always, I have an "open door" policy, please DM me on Telegram at any time.

Great report! So excited for this new change and going back to our roots! And great job, CSP! Very well done in the RoS!!!! I'm very proud of everyone :D

Excellent report! Once again you answered all my prompts too. I gotta cut back on those haha.

Goodbye Empire's Chosen. Hello other Houses!

So many pictures. Why no Dorimad Sol?

I'll respond publicly to "Why no Dorimad Sol?". The simplest answer is that as the Summit explored the "treasure hunting" motif (as referenced in the clan fiction above) Caliburnus became more of a the seeker of treasures with Acclivis Draco as the studiers of those treasures. Now, we ultimately scrubbed these notions from the final, published, elements opting to allow the House members to forge their own identities as either house could have a mixture of seekers and studiers.

Now, you may counter and say "Why Caliburnus instead of Dorimad Sol?" if you were building from a position of a sword and scholar. In which case, I'd direct you to the House Dorimad Sol wiki page which has a historical account of Dorimad Sol fighting with Caliburnus and Caliburnus emerging as the victor.

Ultimately, I acknowledged at the onset that until we grow our numbers opening all the historical houses would be a challenge and I felt these two (Caliburnus and Acclivis Draco offered more story options for where we're headed). Plus, a certain EQ4 who is on a mad hunt to reclaim Caliburnus, the blade, from a certain GM.

Happy to have Caliburnus back. It’s been too long

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