Devil's Shroud Report # 3- Legacy


Devil's Shroud Report # 3- Legacy

Devil's Shroud Report number 3

The Legacy of Devil's Shroud

As Dragoon layed on the recovery table he could feel the rage of the Sithspawn heart created flow through him. He was hurt no doubt but that would not stop him from going on the next mission. ~I am a Obliesk. Sworn Warrior and student of the Dark Jedi Arts. I will Kill anything that trys to stop me from my mission.~ He kept repeating that in his head. By doing so he even missed the hiss of the door opening and by concentrating so much he even missed the force recognition of his sister Jade Sadow as she entered the room and approached the right side of the medical bed.

"Well little brother, you took one hell of a shot this time. Maybe you'll listen to the Mad Man when he tells you not to get to comfor---" Jade was not allowed to finish speaking as Dragoon's hand shot up and grabbed Jade by the throat. She started to gasp for air as Dragoon sit straight up while he picked her up from the ground, dangling her feet. Then there was a Flash of light from the left side of the bed. The Lightning hit Dragoon and shocked him hard enough that it put him back into a coma, dropping Jade to the ground as he himself feel back on the bed.

The Madman Alchemist known as Macron approached the left side of the bed from the shadows behind as Jade picked herself off the floor. "I COULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF IT." Macron laughed a evil laugh, "HE HE HE, I bet but i don't need him damaged after all. We went through hell to save him. Let him rest, the Summit has plans for him as well as the other Jedi. Come, leave him be for now." Both Dark Jedi turned and left the room. Dragoon's time would come and so will his team's.

WELL! It's been awhile so no is the time to produce another report!. First off some things we will cover:

  • Daedric

  • Awards, promos, notable stuff

  • comps

  • Battle team stuff

  • House stuff

  • Clan stuff

  • DB wide stuff

I Know, I know, i do my stuff backwards. I blame it on the over worked brain of mine. But on with the SHOW YO!

  • Daedric- I can not say enough about this guy! I'm including him in my report as a Notable Battle Team Member. Not only has he taken upon himself to help get the Clan re-organized but he did it out of pure drive and want. No one asked him, no one told him "you do this you will get a award." He did it to do it! I am proud of this guy. For those of you who are at DJK like my self and say, "Hey how do i get a award or how do i get promoted?" Guess what guys, THAT'S HOW! Now I can't say whats going on as a reward but i will say this, Cause of him we now have a operational Wiki article for the War host with details on NPC and DJK involvement such as DJ rank vs the Mil rank that our NPC troopers have. He has also been pounding at the keys doing SA courses and is now , as of 2200 hours CST, a Junior in the SA. HOT DANG SON GET ON IT!!!!!! Thats what i like to see. Im not going to list the courses cause well there are just two dang many. Heck he's got me wanting to do courses. I will say this, He even earned a Degree! AWESOME BUD! KEEP IT UP.

Ok enough with boosting his moral. I want to Boost all the BT members Moral but frankly we lost another member! WTH! (What the heck you dirty minded people). And i haven't really seen much communication except from Jade and Ash. Oh btw- Welcome back Ash and others!

Jade and Ash have both worked on the Nightsister project to help out in the current run-on more on that in a sec.

OK OK back on track now.

  • Awards- Myself earned some CF's, TEU earned a Steel Cross and some CF's, Daedric- Too much stuff. Sorry bud lol.

Moving on:

  • Comps- Check out the comps page on the main site for more info but also be know to all. We have 3 BLACK GUARD COMPS out right now. They are for Con, PCON, and HMR QUES. Just remember you can only be a BLACK GUARD FOR ONE, BUT you can participate and try and earn shiny s. So go get me the Shiny! Er i mean YOU, GO get YOU the Shiny.

  • BT STUFF- So ive been really busy here of late with Personal RL and such but Ive noticed some COMM stuff going down. We need to get communication up. Even if its to just say HI IM ALIVE! and make sure to log in to the website at least once every 30 days.

I'm still learning somethings (Please forgive the old man here) but we are looking at a couple of proposals i want to do. But im going to send out a poll to the house about the Job thing ive been discussing. But sir, what is this Job thing you talk about.

Heres the deal, I was once a BTL in Pla. I know, I know, What a stupid choice for me to leave Naga back then and move. But when i was there we had Fictional Jobs in the BT. Such as Sniper, Slicer, medic, CO, XO, etc, etc. These are fictional for to help with Charc Development. I will be sending out a Poll soon for this.

The other thing I've been trying to launch is a Run-on mission for the BT to help us work as a unit for when the time comes for the GJW we would be ready or even the Last part of Fading lights. I'm going to say the tentative date for this will be right before the GJW and will be only 2-3 weeks long. Just a short run-on. And the House summit such as QUA and AED will be the NPC writers to kinda help drag it along.

  • House stuff- Again same old same old. More about the Current Run-on in sec. called Clan Stuff.

  • Clan Stuff- FINALLY! THE CURRENT RUN-ON IS UP AND MY OPENING STATEMENT WAS IN REGARDS TO A PRE MISSION DEPLOYMENT. So Were going to fight the nightsisters, capture one and use her to capture our PCONS sis. Sounds like a pain in the butt to me but hey! Were Sadow! WE CAN DO ANYTHING..... AS LONG AS ALCOHOL IS INVOLVED. Don't forget the CON AND PCONS Comps for Black Guard.

Man my fingers are getting tired yall.

  • DB STUFF- OK lots here DGM = GM Pravous, MAA= Aabs, Voice= MAV. State of the Club = Kick ASS. GO READ THE REPORTS! and thats it..... See what i did there? HEHEHE.

Ok so since this is my Third report its time for another "LESSON FROM THE BTL"!(with weird echoing voice) Today's topic is....Initiative. "With Greater power comes greater responsibility" - For got who said it. With that in mind, With greater Responsibility comes great need to do whats not asked of you. Take charge, be a leader. Have the Drive to do things and fix things with out being asked. Just do it, as nike say's. Three of our members have dedicated time to helping with out being asked and.... wait, wait, i forgot some one..... oh yeah Ash, Jade, Daedric, and Sebz. Sebz has been helping with the ongoing Wiki issues as well. So 4 of our members have been working on projects with out being asked. If they can do it, why can't the rest of us? BTW check out the new BT Wiki page.

So until next time, stay safe and stay active. - Dragoon

nice report Dragoon!

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