Exarch Update: Staff 2.0


Exarch Update: Staff 2.0


Staffing Update

I’ll keep this short, because it’s been a long week and I’m tired, but transparency into what I do is important to me.

First, I want to thank Mune for all of their work on Exarch Staff. As the last member of my original staff, Mune was with me every step of the way, keeping me sane, giving me support, and just in general being there when I needed them. Their work was invaluable in the formation and logistics of the Envoy Corps, and I’ll forever be grateful. They will be stepping down which opens up the opportunity to hire even more new talent to the team!

The newest members of the Exarch staff, joining Atty and I are:

  • Appius Taldrya Wight — This should be no surprise to many people familiar with Fiction in this club. Appius reminded me of this in his application, but he also showed up all over my datasheets when I was looking at the data for the Envoy Corps projections. So, this was probably a fated, eventual thing and I’m lucky/glad to have his attention on our staff. He had some great ideas in his application for RPs he wanted to run, and that’s what I'm counting on.

  • TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia — Adding TuQ here pretty much makes me flash back to my time as Voice, where both Atty and TuQ were on my staff. I like to think we did great work back then, and I’m excited to catch TuQ on an upswing of his interest here. He’s picked up things very quickly and I look forward to seeing his ideas for Envoy Corps contracts and mission RP ideas!

  • Aru Law — I’ve known Aru a long time. I know his stellar work for the Shadow Academy, and his tolerance levels for having me as a member when he was my Aedile. Aru’s interest and willingness to host sessions on a European time zone is really something I am excited to explore for our larger outreach and opportunities for our members. He also had some good ideas for prompts I’m excited to role with, and offered to help run the sessions.

I’m sure I had something else I wanted to add here, but I’ll save it for my next report. Until then, feel free to hit me up on Discord or at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you have any questions.



Congratulations to our newest...dice masters? Exarch exulted? What do we call these people Senpai?

I answer to "mother."

Further proof that there is a Mother and she has a job on staff.

Do you also answer to "BUT MOOOOOOOOOM"?

Congrats to all the new staff members! I'm sure you'll do amazing work.


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