Fist Report #21


Fist Report #21

Star Citizen launches its dogfighting module, look inside this report for a link to the News and Trailer. The fate of Star Conflict in the Brotherhood is decided. And a reminder that this quarter is nearing a close for the GMRG Dark Councilor Guardsman positions.

Star Citizen Arena Commander v0.8 launches!

So even for a gamer like me who isn't that into Flight Sims, this is absolutely amazing news. Check out the main site for the full explanation, but the short version of the story is that the dogfighting demo for the game we've been waiting months for is now available. From what I can see... it does not disappoint.

Now before you run off to download it, it does seem you need Alpha Access to play. If you're inclined you can make a pledge which will grant you that level of access. I don't remember specifically how much the minimum is for that, but I do remember from looking over the website that it was laid out pretty clearly what each level of pledge did or did not receive.

Finally, the sweetest part of this whole thing (for non-pledges like me) is this Trailer. It contains 100% GAME FOOTAGE, this is not a cinematic. This is gameplay, although it looks like there probably was some fun stuff done with camera positioning for most of it.

Star Conflict To Be Added as a Supported Platform

While we're on the topic of Flight Sim games... Star Conflict game was under evaluation for being supported as a Platform. After just over a 1 month long competition we had six Members who participated, earning a total of 171 Clusters of Fire. While most of the activity occurred in the starting weeks of the competition, I still feel this warrants it being added to our lists of games.

Star Conflict will remain as an option when Submitting Scores, and a few short details will be added to the ROC to facilitate this game. For now support will remain just for the PVP Matches.

GMRG End of Quarter coming soon

Another reminder, on July 1st the first round of Fourth Echelon Guardsman will be selected. Remember that the nine Rank X Guardsmen who earn the most Clusters of Fire will earn these slots, and will get an Accessory for the Dark Councilor they chose to guard added to their Dossier permanently.

Check the Leaderboard to see how close you are to making it into this elite group and get after it!

June Gaming Competitions

June Gorefest

Gorefest will start on Friday, June 20th. The Competition will be live on the site later this evening. As a reminder, any member of the GMRG can compete and earn bonus CFs for any Gaming activities

Also - it appears I missed running the May Gorefest. My apologies I had several weekends with family in town visiting and time got away from me there.

Gaming Competition Results

Star Conflict

  • 1st Place - JK Edgar Drachen of House Odan-Urr
  • 2nd Place - JK Turel Sorenn of House Odan-Urr
  • 3rd Place - PRT Armad of Clan Naga Sadow

SWTOR Warzone Veteran

  • 1st Place - DJK Armags of Clan Taldryan
  • 2nd Place - JH Kooks of Clan Taldryan
  • 3rd Place - JK Turel Sorenn of House Odan-Urr

Monthly Mobile: Smash Hit

  • 1st Place - DA Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae of Clan Arcona
  • 2nd Place - DJK Meleu Karthdo of Clan Arcona
  • 3rd Place - JK Zednich Wolfram of House Odan-Urr

Star Wars Assault Team: Credit Run - Take 2

  • 1st Place - DJK Meleu Karthdo of Clan Arcona
  • 2nd Place - KP Sight Nortorshin of Clan Arcona
  • 3rd Place - DJM Howlader Taldrya of Clan Taldryan

Club Firsts: Diablo 3 Torment 6 Solo Malthael Kill

  • 1st Place - DP Telaris "Mav" Taldrya Cantor of Clan Taldryan

Pendants of Blood

  • 04May2014 - 31May2014: KP Sight Nortorshin of Clan Arcona, PVP Score of 24.82 (89 Matches Played, 47 Matches Won)

Great report, Val!

Glad to see Star Conflict is being officially supported. Didn't get a chance to meet up with other members during the trial run, but am excited to get in on it now.

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