Fist Supplemental #40.2: RoC Update


Fist Supplemental #40.2: RoC Update


Rites of Combat Update

Members of the Dark Brotherhood-

I have completed the updates to the Rites of Combat.

Major changes include:

  1. Removal of old PvP restrictions
  2. Redefined rules for Vendetta specific events
  3. Added requirements for screenshots for PvP
  4. Removed all references to PvO
  5. Clarification of Match Dodging in regards to new rules.

If you have any questions about the RoC, please do not hesitate to reach out.

I hope the rules are now simpler and less restrictive than they were in the past.


New Magistrate

I have selected Ric Tater as the next M:Fist. He will replace Korvis. I want to thank Korvis for all his work over the past six months.

This application period had the most applicants I have seen in my entire time as Fist. I am thrilled that so many people wanted to be part of the team.

The next position will open up in two months, with Alaris’ seat up for grabs. I will post a report with the application link at the beginning of March.

Until next time, Keep on gaming!

-Dracpool, out.


Congrats Tater, and thank you Korvis for your staff work

Thank you! I'll do my best! I'll see you all on the battlefield!

Simpler rules that keep things fun and fair? Excellent.

Also, Hope your term is rewarding and interesting Ric and thanks for your work Korvis.

Congrats Ric. You will do great.

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