Guardian Corps Quaestor Report #1


Guardian Corps Quaestor Report #1

Incoming message from the Sacred Heap

Hello there!

Gui Sol here, a tech Junkie, a guru of gadgetry, a Jedi extraordinaire, a Quaestor?!?

That's right folks, you heard that right. Revak and Turel shared the news with me this morning. Personally I am psyched to officially step into the role. Kah, needing some R&R had to step away, after that, I was pretty much holding down the fort and started doing the job anyway. I know there were other applicants and Revak and Turel made it clear that the race was neck and neck, but there were some great applications.

All I can say is - if you applied for Quaestor and if you feel like you have missed another opportunity, then you couldn't be further from the truth. I am immediately opening applications for Aedile. I would love to see who is interested in helping me whip this House into shape and am eager to read through the many applications I will receive, there will be many, right?

Let's hope so.

This is a great opportunity for veteran members to get their foot back in the door, an excellent stepping stone for those of you who have never lead in the DB before and are interested in learning the ropes, and it is also a chance for some members living a darker lifestyle to jump ship and try their hand at being a Jedi!!

No matter your background or experience, I would love to hear from you if you're interested, afterall, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

If you're interested, please, send all of your applications to Revak, Turel, and myself.

The Application process will run for a couple of weeks. Ideally I would like to have someone placed and in the position by the 3rd of March.

Be prepared to -

  • Push communication, answer questions, promote activity, and respond to emails in a timely manner.

  • Create competitions for the House/Clan and help the QUA with future events.

  • Wiki work, we have a lot of updating/world building to do. Planets, structures, NPC's, as well as keeping our new page up to date - Guardian Corps Article.

  • Help keep documents updated and organized.

  • Brainstorm - I'm looking for someone who is passionate and eager to come up with fresh ideas for our House, someone ready and willing to toss ideas my way, even if they're outside of the box. Let's get creative!!

  • This goes along with communication, but as leaders, we should be a constant presence on discord. I'm all about leading by example, so let's set that bar!

  • At the end of the day you will be my assistant. I will treat you with respect, I won't expect you to do anything that I myself wouldn't do, and together we can work to maintain a fun and friendly atmosphere for our members.


Lore/Possessions Updates

Now, with that out of the way. You may have noticed that I've been testing the waters with competitions lately. Alot of them have been fiction based (there is more variety coming your way), but this is partially because I'm trying to expand our lore. With us being such a new House, there really isn't any. We are making history as we go along and I would like to capitalize on things you, as members, bring to the table.

Aurora won the last fiction competition where we were trying to build a more concrete friendship with the Okami clan. In her fiction, we traveled to Kaerls, only to find that the Black Sun had moved into our territory and had been threatening trade routes and shipping lanes. I expanded on this further by having the Black Sun also attack Daleem. A resource rich planet that we were more than happy to protect.

A Black Sun Rises Over Daleem

Depending on how this plays out, we should see either an increase or decrease in Black Sun activity. If it increases, well, we'll push back even harder. If it decreases, as a new house, our resolve and confidence will be emboldened. Either way, after this next fiction competition comes to a close, we will have a sense of where we are and what we will be doing moving forward. I will write up my own fiction to help shape things once this experimental chapter is finished.


This leads me to Possessions. As you may or may not have seen, our Regent, Zxyl, revealed options to expand Clan and House Territories, structures, and different things that we can buy. In scouring through the list of options, I came up with some ideas for the Guardian Corps.

Officially, we are -


  • Using Daleem as our base planet. This gives us many options for fictional growth and development and will allow us to expand on the lore of Daleem itself.

In addition -

  • I had Revak buy us a base and a spaceport, but upon looking through Daleem possessions, I noticed that Sky Breach hasn't really been used in quite some time. To save ourselves some credits, I was granted permission to use Sky Breach Base for the Guardian Corps. The other option is starting from scratch and building our own base. What do you guys think?

  • I have also bought some defenses in the form of Ion Minefields, Anti-aircraft batteries, Anti-infantry turrets - requested a space station and vulture Droid Deployment stations.

I think there will be some more discussion and tweaking as far as Possessions are concerned but if you're interested in seeing what we have currently, you are able to do so under the Possessions tab.


Activity Breakdown

Things have been exciting. Let's take a look at some member achievements

  • Jafits Skrumm has earned 200 CE, 39 CF, 1 Crescent with Amethyst Star!!

  • Ryan Hawkins has earned 7 CE, 2 CI!!

  • Aurora "Aura" Ta'var has earned 130 CE, 3 CI, 8 CG, 2 Crescent with Sapphire Star!!

  • Creon has earned 23 CE, 13 CI, 1 Crescent with Diamond Star, 2 Crescent with Amethyst Star, 1 Crescent with Emerald Star, and a promotion to Ranger!!

  • Takota Okami has earned 2 CE!!

  • Len Iode has earned 96 CF!!

  • Gui Sol has earned 280 CF, 1 Crescent with Ruby Star!!

Amazing work everyone, so happy to see you guys killin' it, keep it up!!


Closing Statements

In the coming weeks, the Guardian Corps will continue to expand and grow. I'm super excited about getting some things ironed out so that we have more things to look forward to. One such thing will be digging into the Order of the Varactyl that Kah introduced when he was the Quaestor. I will also be coming out with an ongoing series of competitions that can best be described as a mission board. Something to keep things fresh and unique. I will also be developing a core storyline but aside from the basics and laying some groundwork, I'd like to start setting our sights on the next Vendetta so I 'shouldn't' be going too crazy until then. I dunno, we'll see what happens :)

Until next time, may the Force guide us,

Great report! I look forward to seeing what the Guardians can do, apply today!

Congrats my dude. Git er dun!

Yes, good.

Congrats on Quaestor.

Congratulations on the position as our House's leader. You are well prepared and deserving. The Lore looks great and I'm excited to see how it all unfolds.

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