Herald report #4: No rest for the wicked


Herald report #4: No rest for the wicked



God I'm tired. You know when you're so tired you just wanna fall over? Well...

BUT as the title say, Ain't no rest for the wicked, nor for me. I'm bringing you the latest news from the graphics front. Brace yourselves, Cowboys, we're goin' for a ride!

Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees


The Admiral

My staff has done a brilliant job so far and they have kept up with all my demands. Suffice to say they have all improved in the past month or two and so have I.

This report's shoutout goes to Esca, aka Arcia Cortel. Why? Well, you'll see down below in my report. Esca has done a brilliant job and has improved his skills tremendously since he joined the staff. he is always accessible and always happy to help. He is critical of all our work which helps up the quality of our work. Everyone thank Esca for the epic work he has done so far.

The...Pirate? O.o

I gotta thank one more individual for pitching in this week and helping out. Mirus Hi'ija did a stellar job on the swords I'll show you later despite having RL responsibilities. Mirus has recently become the BTL of the Tyrant Sword Battleteam in Arcona. I wish him the best of luck in his new position.

Thanks for the help, bruv. It's appreciated. ;)

And now onto the crunch.


I got bills to pay I got mouths to feed and ain't nothing in this world for free

Non-Force User's Custom Items

NFUs WILL be getting Custom weapons at EQ2 and above. The system is still being developed and balanced but what I can tell you at this point is that:

  • Sabers will be restricted to Force Users only
  • We will be adding Swords for all orders
  • We will be adding Blasters/Slughtrowers for all orders

Reasoning behind this setup? Only Force Users can effectively use Lightsabers (don't even start on that Dark Saber thing). So they'll stay restricted to them, HOWEVER to balance this out Force Users will have limited options where Blasters are concerned. NFUs will have more options to make their own Custom Blaster.

To elaborate on how it'll work. Lightsabers stay much the same as now, swords will follow sabers closely. they will be completely custom, made to the members wishes because they are essentially lightsabers themselves anyway, with a bit more detail at the top.

Blaster/Slughtrowers (I'll call them GUNS for simplicity) are a tough nut to crack. We want to give you guys lots of options but also keep to the overall look and feel of Star Wars. So a system is being developed where you will, essentially, choose your own gun parts and make the gun yourself (well, no. We'll make it for you, but you'll choose the parts).

Guns will be divided into categories: Pistols, Carbines, Snipers, Heavy Weapons, Scatter guns and Special weapons. You can deduce which is which, I believe. The Special Weapons will be reserved for weapons like needlers, tasers, dart guns, wrist mounted rocket launchers, etc.

Gun will also be divided into sections: Casing, Barrel, Grip and Mods. Each rank that you go up you will get new items per section which can then be used to assemble your custom gun. Mods will include scopes, silencers, and other accessories for your gun.

Where is the customization, you ask? Well much like the Warbanners we have now, guns will have selectable sections that you can swap out. Apart form that you will have complete freedom choosing your grip material (wood, ivory, steel, plastic, etc.) and gun color and engravings.

I have prepared some previews for you guys to enjoy, made by A'lora Kituri who is working with me on this project. For now, this will do. Expect more in my next report

Division by sections

Complete gun

Old Dark Side order robes

The old robes of the Dark Side orders (Sith/Krath/Obelisk) will be transferred for free use to all Force users. No more restrictions by Path. If you want to wear a Sith robe as a Jedi, hey I can't stop you, nor do i wish to. However moving forward you can expect equal treatment for NFU robes, just like today. They will also have their unique items.

Enjoy your new shinies :)


No I can't slow down I can't hold back though you know I wish I could

Mercenaries and Loyalists - stand!

A week or so ago (maybe a bit more...hmm?) Mav asked me to make a few goodies for our newest orders - Mercs and Loyalists. We agreed on 1-2 weapons, but we wouldn't be Herald staff if we didn't add a bit more to that list, eh? Now all these weapons are designed for Non-Force Users, but even Force users can add them to their dossiers. the robes, though, are restricted to the NFUs (as I shall call them from now on). The guns are courtesy of Arcia Cortel (Badass job, i say!), the swords where made by Mirus Hi'ija and I made the robes and tweaked their work slightly to fit the selector.

Presenting the WLD-5 Peacekeeper blaster pistol (All ranks), S-5 Oathbreaker Sniper rifle (JM1+) and BFF-8 Locust Flamethrower (Knights+)...

...the Sabre (All ranks), Cutlass (JM1+) and Rapier (JM1+)...

...and finally the Remiss (Mercs) and Dutiful (Loyalists) robes, restricted for NFU orders.

Warbanners, Sabers and Requests

Let’s start with


In the past two weeks four were completed. From left to right:

  • Xen'Mordin Vismorsus-Palpatine (Longass name, brother XD) by Esca


By Selika:

  • Tharess Crestar

Graphics Requests

None. We were swarmed. next time. Sorry Celahir :P


Seyda has done a stellar job so far. Two more avatars on her list, this time Celahir and Dracarys.

No there ain't no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good

There’s a Form for that

*Warbanner Request

*Custom Saber Request

*Leadership Graphics Request

*Second Sons Artwork Volunteers:


*Herald FAQ

DB Art Community Telegram Group

If you’re interested in joining the TG group and sharing your art, be sure to click the image below:

Ask the Herald

Lex asks: Vyr: Starting commissions yet?

I don't do commissions.

Celshir asks: How's my dearie banner doing? :P

It's gonna be...wait for it.........

Celshir also asks: On a more serious note, can you do a cover of talk dirty to me? But then do Talk croatian to me?

God no. I'm a terrible singer.

Celevon asks: What is going to be the classic rock reference in this report?

Click the link below ;)

Mark asks: What's going to happen with robes assigned to old orders?

They'll go to all Force User Orders, like I mentioned :)

Braecen asks: If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be? (You cannot use 'Turel' as your answer)

Knowing the joke, I can say I am not a fruit or in any way fruity :P

Turel asks: Can I get a saber in princess pink?

Probably :P

Atty asks: have you ever entertained any aspirations of not only seeing more DJB artwork produced, but turning some of it into animations?

Yes. In fact I was considering making some animated videos with Lu'aisha Gresee before this Herald train hit me. We'll see what the future brings, but i am def interested.

Sang asks: are the rumours regarding custom sabers true? (Removing limit of three sabers and making it no more than every six months)

Somewhat. The policy hasn't been fleshed out yet, but I can tell you that it will be changing soon.

Atty asks: will people who switch to mundane but have already reached their custom saber quota be able to request fancy mundane weapons? (supposing Viv's question allows)


Viv asks: will non-force users have custom weapons at eq2 like we have custom lightsabers?

Yes :P

Turel asks: what skill sets do you look for in Herald staff members?

Obviously a some knowledge of digital and traditional art is a must, however I tailor my projects according to my staff. I.e. everyone gets a project they are comfortable doing, that is sufficiently challenging to make the improve and yet not too hard to completely stop them in their tracks. I also have to consider other DB work, RL issues and responsibilities, etc. So far it's working great.

Arden asks: If your office and the Voice office changed jobs for a week, who do you think would go nuts first?

Poor poor Evant. I can write fiction fairly well. i'm not sure about his gfx skills, though.

Kyle asks: What's your favorite graphic you've done in the last month? Favorite one seen by others? What do you like to make? Hate to make?

Atty's robes is my favorite recent graphic. It's just...pretty. I personally like to make everything, but it depends on the project whether I'll bite down and do it in short order or let it drag out for a few days. It also depends on the amount of work i have at the moment and my time constraints (work, uni, studies, etc.)

Hades asks: Can we see custom saber colors like there is in TOR?

At EQ 4, yes.


Commission artists and Artist Feature

Every report I will present an artist from various sites on the internet that do commission work. You can directly contact them through their contacts on these pages:

This time it's nunchaku. He is a local guy from my neck of the woods and I have already commissioned him to do my character (the image you see on my avatar and header). You can see the full image here:

Closing word

So far so goo. Another report another epic two (give or take) weeks. Hope you enjoy the news. As always...

See you Space Cowboys. ;)

Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked


Yeah, that's my jam! Lovin' the cool shiny things.

I'm am so stoaked to use all that NFU great! Great job with all the art and goodies! Suuuper excite!

Awesome report! I admire all the work you all do!

Great work Melon Lord and Bro-Titan! Those sexy weapons make me want to go mundane (almost)

Hot damn, those are some sexy goodies. The customization of blisters and such is crazy cool.

And much love to Esca for the sabers, I'm crazy obsessed with them. And apologies for the long name. I know, comically long, but I'm not dropping any of it. :P

Super excited to see this stuff go live. Amazing.

alt txt

This is all so AWESOME. I'm crazy-excited for Mundanes/NFUs. Great work, Esca, Mirus, and Vyr! Thank y'all, and thanks to the HRLD staff and DC as a whole.

/me squees quietly

My question wasn't featured. I was going for 3 in a row :(. V'yrrrrrrrrrr whyyy.

Nice report also

Shiny. So shiny.

2008 is Classic Rock now.. so old..

Any chance that some of the Obelisk order robes will be allotted to the NFUs, ie the Bonya and Ranger ones as they work well since they're more armor then robe.

The new stuff looks great!

I'd be interested in what Sean said as they could definitely work for the NFU's. Also, any plans to update the existing blaster weapons (E-11, DL-44 etc) with new images?

In Star Wars, lots of NFUs wear robes. And lots of FUs (heh) wear various armors. We should really just let people "wear" what they want these days. Would save the Herald staff having to deliver a variation for every Order in the future, too :P

Also, are the swords considered vibro-weapons? Or are they all just... old school blades?


Did ok.

Nicely done.

Re: Obelisk robes: I'll consider it.

Re: Shad's comment: most of the robes/armor/uniforms will be free to all, these are just gifts to the NFUs for their debut. They make the NFUs unique. :)

Re: Swords: They can be vibro weapons, yes. I don't see why not.

Non-Force users can choose sabers out of the Lightsaber construction tool. Not sure if accident or not.

Ain't no rest for the Wicked. I love that song!

Amazing work on the graphics! Awesome work too, Esca! Well done!

Boyna and Ranger robes are now available to all orders, JM4+.

Shinies, shinies, shinies, all the shinies, for all the people.

Pfft such sexist robes and dem boobies. But...but...those g-guns...a f-f-f-flamethrower?

/me pants heavily

Pfft such sexist robes and dem boobies.

Have ya see the other selector robes? :P

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