House Galeres Report: Sins and Rites


House Galeres Report: Sins and Rites


Goooood whatevertimeofdayitisforyou Galeres! We’ve got a relatively short report here for you, but feel free to listen to some spoopy music while you read. Nay, no fictions here for us to pander and pawn off on you, the huddled masses. Instead, we let Atty and Terran do all of that for us! If you haven’t already read the prelude fiction(s), then I recommend doing so before they put forth the final novella that incorporates the results.

Sins and Rites

Chapter IV of Sins of the Past is over and the results are being tabulated. How did you enjoy it? What would you like to see more of in the future? What gets your competing heart pumping? Let Grot, Skar, and/or myself know so that we can best coordinate for our own competitions and help out with larger Clan events.

All that said, the big Rites of Supremacy competitions are starting up sometime next week. While it will be overshadowing the annual Halloween-themed events, this is a big thing that, like Great Jedi Wars, doesn’t happen too often. Indeed, this will be your Quaestor’s first RoS, as well as some of yours as well. If you’re wondering what this RoS will look like, just think of it as a mini-GJW, with fancy titles on the line for the Clans. At least that’s what the wiki says. If you want to get in on the gaming tourneys, make sure you sign up for the brackets in the competitions page.


With so little time before the RoS comes up, there’s a very short window to knock out some competition activity. Everything is here, from flash games to fiction. Get some!

  • Ends 13 Oct - Halloween Mask: Design (or build) an appropiately themed mask. Can be done on paper, 3D design, or a physical construction that you might even use.
  • Ends 13 Oct - Destiny 2: Last Wish: Tackle the latest Destiny 2 raid and be the first in the Club to complete it with your particular fireteam. Make sure to sign up on the linked form in the competition details as well.
  • Ends 13 Oct - The Great Detective: A Fiction competition for those of you fond of murder-mysteries, your character is tasked with investigating a killing and bringing the culprit to justice.
  • Ends 13 Oct - The Shroud Syndicate: A collection of events for you to delve into and set the fictional motion for the newest of the DJB’s societies.
  • Ends 15 Oct - Halloween Horror Nights: Want more spoopy-themed goodness? CSP is running this container comp for the whole Brotherhood to enjoy.

News? How about a Q&A?

We ran a question-and-answer (#AskTheGals) bit this past week to see what’s on your collective minds. We hope you enjoy. If we missed your query, let us know and we’ll be sure to fix it in the next report!

Leeadra asks:
Does Rrogon have something he wants to share with the rest of the group?

Skar: I have no idea what you’re talking about. :p

Lucine asks:
1) So after we put down the unrest on Estle City, what do you say to a little friendly competition?
2) I too am curious as to what Skar wants to share with the group.

1) Let the inter-House bloodbath commence!
2) Skar could not be reached for comment. xD

Lucine also asks:
Skar, where do you get your crown? Q, are you going to get a crown?

Skar: I’m not at liberty to say where it was acquired.
Qyreia: And why have a crown when I have ze powah? ;D

Tali asks:
Why Galeres? Who Galeres? Where Galeres? What Galeres? And where are the lekku?

Why: because. Who: me and some other folks. Where: somewhere in the Ford Galaxy. What: the other House in your Clan. And the lekku? The lekku is with you, always. Those without lek are heretics. Leketics?

Uji asks:
Could we start doing bi-weekly sendouts of what characters are doing fictionally? Small vignettes in the vein of play by post that members submit to the summit if we garnered interest to do so?

I like the concept, and it would let us do something without needing to wait for a major event to fill in the House Discourse thread. Based on initial feedback, we’re looking at 1.5k to 2k words maximum per entry that will be consolidated into its own special Discourse thread, pending approval from ze Summit. A mini-not-report would coincidingly go out and show the fictional goodness. Other rules and regulations may apply; see stores for details.

Zuji asks:
How Galeres?

With a lot of fighting, swearing, drinking, and arguing over the differences between various real and sci-fi/fantasy military conventions.


Activity in the Last (Two) Month(s)

Yes, we admit to being a bit behind on this, given we missed our deadline for last month’s report. So, to make up for that, here’s the whole kit-and-caboodle for that stretch. Except for Esca, aka Colonel Arcia Cortel, who just joined our ranks! Welcome! Also no Sins stuff will be noted here, as the grading is still in the works.

Uji Tameiki, the Log, first of his Root

  • 131 x Clusters of Fire
  • 220 x Clusters of Earth

Satsi Tameiki

  • 3 x Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 1 x Crescents with Amethyst Star
  • 42 x Clusters of Ice

Rulvak Qurroc

  • 3 x Crescents with Diamond Star
  • 1 x Crescents with Ruby Star
  • 1 x Crescents with Amethyst Star
  • 1 x Pendant of Blood
  • 536 x Clusters of Earth
  • 971 x Clusters of Fire

Qyreia Arronen

  • 2 x Crescents with Diamond Star
  • 2 x Pendants of Blood
  • 50 x Clusters of Earth

Rrogon Skar Agrona

  • 60 x Clusters of Earth
  • 12 x Clusters of Ice


  • 1 x Dark Cross
  • 1 x Crescent with Ruby Star
  • 1 x Crescent with Sapphire Star
  • 3 x Legions of the Scholar


Final Notes

Keep up the good work, everyone. I look forward to writing some nice fiction updates for the House once Sins is graded and the RoS kicks off! As always, I can be reached by e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or on Telegram with @QyreiaArronen (PM or through our group chats). And if you’re bored, feel free to follow my meant-for-recruiting-but-still-fun in-character Twitter feed @TheRedQek!


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Spooky music to listen to?! Absolutely the best, Q!

Great work, Galeres! PreppING up to kick some butt in the RoS!

Awesome report, Skar and Q!

If the Log is first of his root, then what's his exponent?



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